100 Years of Fashion: Men ★ Mode.com

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Исчерпывающее описание видео: 100 Years of Fashion is back! This time, we’re giving the guys a go and recapping men’s style from 1915 to now. ☆ Visit Mode for more: …

Количество просмотров на это время: 11219460

Время постинга: 2015-07-09 17:47:59

Полная продолжительность видео: 2:57

Glam, Inc.

Количество лайков: 86518

Количество дизлайков: 2839


  1. nate li

    this video confirms that fashion doesn't matter to me, it's all about those muscles under those fabric

  2. Olive Mellorine

    1945 reminds me of granddad, he literally worethe samecolored pants and the shirt and all ;____;

  3. Kyle J. K. H.

    2017 has the best underwear ever 😉 and they're going for 20% off right now http://getcomfy.in/eFfWh

  4. PJ Austin

    Where tf was the flame tshirt and flame cap and sunglasses!!!!!! This is jot fashion?!!?!!!

  5. hanuman sv

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  6. shotshot shot

    점점 올라갈수록 복잡한 패션이 간편해지는걸 볼수있음.일단 패션을 따지기에는 생활이 너무 빠르게 변화하니 자연스레 ㄱ간편하면서 활동하기 편한옷을 찾게됨.

  7. AdeptusScientius

    I thought the 50s were about trenchcoats and fedora hats, Humphrey Bogart style.


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