Посмотрите прямо сейчас онлайн: 5 Easy Hairstyles !!
Исчерпывающее описание видеоролика: Thanks for watching!! Tell me which hairstyle you liked the best! Follow me here: instagram : maddieziegler instagram : maddiestyle twitter : maddieziegler …
Количество просмотров на это время: 5384792
Дата публикации: 2017-02-01 01:44:07
Полная продолжительность видеоролика: 10:42
Maddie Ziegler
Количество лайков: 143721
Количество дизлайков: 4437
who likes their own comment because they know no one else will??
I love how she does hairstyles I wish she did my hair lol and I liked all of them ??
French braid but anyways I really like your videos and I'm a big fan of Maddie ziegler and MacKenzie ziegler I enjoyed the video I really want to get to 10 likes on this comment thank you and I really really love you
the 2nd to last one is amazingggg
Ur sister is so hot
the two Dutch braids
so cute we should talk
Love number 2 <3
Sister goals?
pls can you do a morning or night routine
You are so stupid Annie is better than you you sucker at singing birch
i love you
me encanta maddie soy de Venezuela saludos
I subscribed to Maddie's channel but not Kenzie's.Hehehe
Fred is zero, he needs to grow. help him grow
Maddie I Got a Question About The Braid Of The 2nd HairStyle Is It Like a Normal Braid Or You Go Under And Across Or Up And Across?
if that was easy then what is hard
Am I the only one who kept repeating the beginning!?????
why do you have blue eyes and she has brown eyes im cconfused
no one likes you Maddie and kenzie
Maddie talks about Dance Mons . I am brazilian girl
quien habla español y ve los vídeos de maddie aunque nos les entienda like quiero ver cuantas personas lo ven no quiero ser la única likee ???
Aww #SisterGoals
Their both SO ugly
Ewww McKenzie I hate her
Why does this reminds me of Zoella's quick hairstyles video?
2:38 dandruff
Who look at the video and dont do the hair styles
i am turning 18 so can i get 18 likes please???????????????
whenever i try to make a messy bun or something messy it lotirly looks like i slept it a rolor coaster -_- and when other people do it they look perfect…..pls someone helps me?
number 3
Kenzie looked sups sad
I don't know how she does this cuz I can't even put my hair in two separate ponytails so yah
you are so cool
Why can't my hair cooperate like there hair? Lmao
me and my friend tried all of these and on the first one she looked stupid and ran around screaming: "I LOOK LIKE A UNICORN PENIS" Dying ????
show us your fashion and by the way love the hairstyles
I'm sorry I love you Maddie but the intro? Wtf??
mackenzie have a really big nose
I loved the last one .On the next video you should do a fish tail I don't no how two do it with my long hair.?You both
easy hair style material s:hair cutterbrushstep 1: brush out hairstep 2: shave baldstep 3: viola! no need to worry anymore!
I love the last phone
????4:18 and 4:19????