Посмотрите прямо сейчас в режиме онлайн: 7 Fashion Hacks To Look Taller And Leaner | RMRS Style Videos For Men
Подробное описание видео: Click here to read article: https://www.realmenrealstyle.com/look-taller/ Another great video? Look STYLISH With No Work? — https://youtu.be/J6BikaSbrss If you …
Количество просмотров на это время: 32472
Время публикации: 2018-12-09 13:00:01
Полная продолжительность видео: 3:27
Real Men Real Style
Количество лайков: 1836
Количество дизлайков: 42
What do you wear to look taller?Another great video? Look STYLISH With No Work? — https://youtu.be/J6BikaSbrss
Loving these concise short videos Antonio!
I am trying to look shorter, so i guess i need lose fitting clothing, stronger contrast ,horizontal lines, standard crew neck, longer trousers; thanks for tips
These style of videos are actually a pretty nice touch to your channel Antonio :3 Great work!
This was helpful
I'll use very hack here, at least the ones I don't already use lol. I gotta find a good tailor.
I actually need to look a bit "wider" as I'm quite thin : )
Thanks, Antonio!
All of them
The best way to look lean is not be fat. Workout once in a while for crying out loud
Thanks for the great to tips.I like the way you handled this video. I've been a fan for a couple years now. Switching it up is good.
great video!!!!
A thigher outfit will make you more ripped
All of them !!
Please make a video for skinny guys 😀
"START WEARING BOOTS" is the best thing I`ve been searched in the internet. Wearing boots will helps you become taller, because the heels of these are perfectly made for men to become look taller. Another one is, it will improve your style and became center of attraction within the crowd. Wearing of boots shows the masculinity of a man`s style. I believe on that!
Love from India
Looks like I will be wearing black on black more often 🙂
This is more of a question for everyone but I’ve never had my clothes tailored before and I’m not sure what to look for when it come to a good tailor
I like the video
I'm going to get myself some boots, what kind were the black ones in the video?
Great ideas thank you but I had to mute the music.
Nice video but I'm not a fan of dark blue/navy and black together (0:45). Please ignore if the jeans showcased in that look is indigo; it seems black here though.
Your still 5ft 6 even if you have 4 inch hair.
I can only disagree with cuffing, to me it looks great, obviously depending on the shoes and pants you're wearing but that's why we're individuals. Great video.
Thank you Master…
Great video and all good points. But come on… when talking about "how to look leaner" can you please not use models that already have 29" waists? Let's see the well fitting clothes on someone that needs the advice please.
Ya uso algunos, otros los empezaré a implementar desde ahora. Genial vídeo.
Love these videos!
Hmm… I normally love your videos, but I'd rather see (and hear) you talking, rather than having to read. Keep up the great work!
I wear a white t-shirt with dark blue jeans. Simplicity at its best imo…and don't forget Armani Acqua Di Gio Profumo! Works every time!
I have a question. You've shown here a shirt which was rounded at the bottom, untucked. Aren't these designed to be worn tucked in?
Great suggestions and excellent video format, Antonio.
As you use thin models.
I'm guilty of too much contrast!
Sir how can i improve my posture i have posture problem like palvic tilt i need help on that i cant stand straight for longer time my lower back gets tired and aches .
Great tips that I'm already using!
Now make video for tall men, like hacks to look more cooler. ????
Although the posture thing will help you get your natural height it’s less painful too. I see t have bad posture and by fixing it, I have way less pain in my neck and shoulders.
Can you do a video on colors and clothes combinations that compliment light, dark and neutral skin tones for all races? Just curious..RMRS love your videos gives me more confidence to dress more mature.
All just were things I did already without thinking about them, but I'm both quite tall (1.90 metres) and muscular, so now I'm just realizing my comment is probably pointless. So one point to be made: this was once again a nice video Antonio!
As a 6'6" guy I don't think these apply, however, I do need to be mindful of my posture!
Wheres RMRS? 🙁
Telling people to not cuff their pants is terrible advice.
Do not wear untucked shirts if you want to look taller. You want your legs to look longer not the torso.
Great tip for posture: it is not about putting stress on your back and shoulders. The trick is to imagine your head id tied to a string and is being pulled up from the sky. This will make your back straighten without the pain of putting our shoulders all the way back