Посмотрите прямо сейчас в режиме онлайн: New 2019 Mens Haircut & Hairstyle — Texture Forward Fringe | THIN Hair Tips
Исчерпывающее описание видео: BluMaan Hair Products | https://blumaan.com — New year, new haircuts and hairstyles! Textured Forward Fringe. — GREAT Hair Products: …
Число показов на сегодня: 55202
Время постинга: 2018-12-31 18:00:00
Полная продолжительность видео: 4:12
Количество лайков: 1680
Количество дизлайков: 130
Happy New year's everyone!
Is this ninja? Kappa
You gotta find a good barber in LA
Can you give hairstyle of rye Beaumont..please
Do you have classical barber training? I'd love to see you actually cut someone's hair
Nice new take of a type of Bowlcut. (Now faded and with a different twist.) All too often styles of the past that make a returnas a variant on a theme, are at first met with scorn. Why the scorn? All too often people like to remain in a "comfort zone" and say what they hear everybody else saying. Best thing in the end for happiness is to do what you yourself like. Be your own person. To live a life for others opinions is a life not lived.
bitch its the 4th day of 2019 chill out
this is not a look on him ???? model my ass bruh
How can an asian person look Good with highlights ? Please, teach me ????????????
That fade is dead. Some barbers can’t do fades. Do it with a trimming machine not scissors over comb. Stay safe. Easy work. Cleaner look. Hotel? Trivago.
he got butchered
Christ that's one ugly hairdo
His hair is thin as fuck and that is the reason for this hairstyle !!!
I thought he was ninja
what hairstyle to do for a motorcycle rider??? as soon as the helmet is on, hairstyle will be gone….!!!
Gg wellplayed blumaan cant continue the 6 months hair challenge need to cut the top part with the fringe for school ???? school starting gg
I have thin hair/or its thinning i don't really know at that annoys me what should i do ? guys?
s how shit
receiding hair line?
I have this hairstyle since 2017 lol now it's trendy ✌️✌️✌️
Looks like shit
my hairstyle when i wake up
I don't like the way the sides and the back was shaved. But I do like the front style.
This looks absolutely garbage ????????????♂️ definitely the worst style you’ve ever uploaded.
Link to music ?
So much texture in that cut and the colour is so nice!
That's fine… Until you encounter wind.
trevor jackson haircut that one time you listen to your describers today will be the day I want to look like Superfly I want that new haircut I want it bad I want you to do it I wanna know how to do it because I can’t find a video on the Internet at all
Daym those editing was????
Ultra Instinct hairstyle !!
A bit too long on top in my opinion.
That hair cut is awful????