Смотрите прямо сейчас онлайн: What's More Important: The HAIRCUT or HAIR PRODUCT? | Mens Hair Tips & Tricks
Подробное описание видео: BluMaan Hair Products | https://blumaan.com — What got you into hairstyling? The haircut or hair product? — Best Barber in the WORLD: …
Число просмотров на сегодня: 46052
Дата постинга: 2019-06-28 16:00:02
Полная продолжительность видео: 10:10
Количество лайков: 1846
Количество дизлайков: 33
You've never heard two dudes talk so seriously about hair.
The barber looks like dean Ambrose !????
What shoes are you wearing???????? They're so dope
Blumaan lover ????❤❤????
I love how that barber expert guy has dandruff in his hair. ????
This is amazing! You guys had your differences, and here you are talking about it in a calm and serious manner. Huge respect to both Joe and Andrew.
The Most Important Thing......You must be handsome.
100 dollars for a hair cut ????????In India my haircutting cost 100 RS
could you please do dicaprio hair history
Im interested in hair as much as u guys… to me it's a way to stand out from everyone
It depends on the style. My hair is a pompadour/combover. The haircut doesn't matter all beyond fading the sides. I can cut the top once every 3 months and it will look pretty much the same. For me it's more about my hair genetics, period. Product changes a lot too though. A pomade gives you that great look for a combover as opposed to some crappy Walmart paste.If I rock a short, choppy/spiky haircut like Beckham, than the haircut matters because I need it cut a certain way to get that rough choppiness. BUT at the same time unless I blowdry my hair and apply a heavy clay, it can just end up looking like a sad fauxhawk or someone ran me through a weed whacker. The heavy clay really thickens, pieces, and enhances the cut.
This is historical it's a joke sell sell sell.
Joe, what will you do if you go bald?
This video:Disagree the whole time. "alright guys looks like we agree."
Honestly his hair is so badly cut and styled. It’s like going to a dentist who wears dentures. Huh?
I would love to use product but it always ends up making my hair so greasy and clumpy. I just depend on hair spray to keep my hair in place
People pay way too much for something as simple as a haircut. Just learn how to do it yourself. I've been cutting my own hair for years, I can do fades and layers and everything. It's nowhere near as difficult as some people make it out to be. Just buy a nice pair of clippers and give it a try. Like I said, I've been doing it for years now and I've never gotten any negative comments about my hair
Joe please do us all a favor and change up the hair, you might gain more interest from those who have gotten bored of the tight sides and long top
The haircut is important, sure. But my hair gets frizzy and messy so it doesn’t matter how good the cut or styling. I need product
IT's true that before watching your program i didn't care about my hair you made me care
Proud of having curly hair I get so much compliments and girls who think my hair is cute and I don’t even do anything with my hair????????
Couldnt extract wat u guys wanted to tell exactly
That haircut looks so. Good. Though.
Just as a human being this Andrew dude is so dope in terms of being self-reflective and self-aware. Totally unafraid to go back and hold his hand up where he felt he went wrong, and doesn’t couch his response with any hint of excuses or anything. That takes a real confidence and knowing SELF. Mad respect.
The haircut obviously!
I think haircut is more important. You can have the best product in the word, it won’t do anything if you have a poopy ass haircut. Where as if you have a good cut, you can go buy a $5 jar of Old spice putty or some shit and be fine. As long as the product isn’t straight trash it should work.
Theyre both equally important just meet in the middle like you can have a good haircut but shit product will make the hair look not bad n vice versa both will result in not bad hair
Personally a "good" haircut is subjective. Product is really not needed is and is sometimes redundant. My hair looks fine as hell but I dont use hair product, same with probably the MAJORITY of people. Product just makes hair look manufactured and unnatural when used the way this guy styles his hair.
I have a question i have Fine curly hair do i need to wash my hair Daily and do i need a Volume or moisture Shampoo im sooo lost
over 100 dollar for a fkn haircut? thats ridiculous can´t belive people pay that much for something that is worn out after a couple weeks.
We are getting too much into hair. Hair doesnt deserve such a high number on the priority list of any human being. Models are an exception. And also as blumaan talked about it, there is no such thing as an ultimate hairstyle.Every hairstyle has its own pros and cons.
i personally liked the hairdresser's hair.it goes good with the stubble and his dressing style.
Both of the arguments are clearly based on the type of hair you've got so it doesn't really make any sense to argue. Some people need products to tame their hair to look good and others don't.How is this a thing to argue about? Cheers!
Both are important for me, good product + not good haircut = shit, good haircut + not good product = shit too, good product + good haircut = YES