New 2019 Mens Haircut & Hairstyle — Texture Forward Fringe | THIN Hair Tips

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Исчерпывающее описание видео: BluMaan Hair Products | — New year, new haircuts and hairstyles! Textured Forward Fringe. — GREAT Hair Products: …

Число показов на сегодня: 55202

Время постинга: 2018-12-31 18:00:00

Полная продолжительность видео: 4:12


Количество лайков: 1680

Количество дизлайков: 130


  1. Trevor Downing

    Do you have classical barber training? I'd love to see you actually cut someone's hair

  2. Musique3579

    Nice new take of a type of Bowlcut. (Now faded and with a different twist.) All too often styles of the past that make a returnas a variant on a theme, are at first met with scorn. Why the scorn? All too often people like to remain in a "comfort zone" and say what they hear everybody else saying. Best thing in the end for happiness is to do what you yourself like. Be your own person. To live a life for others opinions is a life not lived.

  3. Spider Boy

    How can an asian person look Good with highlights ? Please, teach me ????????????

  4. SkidDesigns | GFX

    That fade is dead. Some barbers can’t do fades. Do it with a trimming machine not scissors over comb. Stay safe. Easy work. Cleaner look. Hotel? Trivago.

  5. Shankar Shrestha

    what hairstyle to do for a motorcycle rider??? as soon as the helmet is on, hairstyle will be gone….!!!

  6. skyfrost2030

    Gg wellplayed blumaan cant continue the 6 months hair challenge need to cut the top part with the fringe for school ???? school starting gg

  7. HypeBeast

    I have thin hair/or its thinning i don't really know at that annoys me what should i do ? guys?

  8. Gregory Pabst

    I don't like the way the sides and the back was shaved. But I do like the front style.

  9. Mr RJP

    This looks absolutely garbage ????????????‍♂ definitely the worst style you’ve ever uploaded.

  10. Alex Marks

    trevor jackson haircut that one time you listen to your describers today will be the day I want to look like Superfly I want that new haircut I want it bad I want you to do it I wanna know how to do it because I can’t find a video on the Internet at all


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