«Get Ready With Me» HOMECOMING 2016 | Brooklyn and Bailey GRWM

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Подробное описание видео: «Get ready with me» Homecoming week was an absolute blast this year to film! We had a full week of fun activities with family and friends, all the fun school …

Количество показов на сегодня: 4953521

Время публикации: 2016-10-05 21:49:45

Полная продолжительность видео: 9:41

Brooklyn and Bailey

Количество лайков: 106774

Количество дизлайков: 1022


  1. Gabriella Pieris

    They have a school like that wow… my school we wear school uniforms and we never get to have fun ????☹️

  2. Malar Ashoke

    Whats this homecoming about? i dont understand. In my country homecoming means the bride goes to the groom's house the day after marraige

  3. TheSlimeyCrown

    I'm going into highschool next year so I finally get to go to homecoming!! That is the only thing I'm exited about for next year?

  4. mackenzie Wright

    hahaha the homecoming dance is nothing like my homecoming dances. it's just a bunch of people yiking lap dancing and twerking on each other ? brooklyn and bailey look like they are having fun though

  5. equestrianlove 01

    For powder puff at my school the girls play, boys varsity coach and boys JV does Cheer?

  6. candeh

    if i was there when the girl said we are going to london !!!! i would be like You're missing a british person and i would walk in be like tadaaaa you have one 😀 AHhaha love your videos !! also you both have amazing eyes <3

  7. Bidemi Obisesan

    We all need to remind ourselves of this simple truth: God is faithful. Say it everywhere. Let the blind knows it and let the deaf understand this good news that God is faithful. You as a person must recognise this truth everyday as you look at the predictability of the sun. Each day the sun rises, moves across the sky from east to west and eventually sets. It never faiths in this God ordained assignment. That is what faithfulness is all about. It is about constancy and certainty.


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