Fantasia — Sleeping With The One I Love

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Полное описание видеоролика: Download/Stream Fantasia’s «The Definition Of…» Below! Apple Music: Amazon: Google …

Число просмотров на сегодня: 4429396

Время публикации: 2016-06-27 20:15:24

Полная продолжительность видеоролика: 6:2


Количество лайков: 54514

Количество дизлайков: 3177


  1. Gwendolyn Allen

    Wow…"love" for a pack of cigarettes?? Its a great example of exploitation, stereotype and objectifying the Black Woman under an oppressive penal system designed for our modern day slave labor(s) Where is the "LOVE". I JUST DON'T GET IT

  2. natasacia blake

    example beautiful black woman love her so much and her story, and how she embraced herself from it all

  3. moontrear

    know what I like the song they just telling us that dumb one will do anything for a man.

  4. Madison Thomas

    best natural voice jese how can you make your voice that good only some can have that voice

  5. Dewayne Campbell

    the one she wants is married sleeping with an officer is forbidden I got it

  6. Celestial Perfection

    This video seems to suggestively demean men of color as the one who she does not prefer or love. If that is her preference, that is her business, but not one I will endorse. Whether that was the actual intent or message in this video is equally meaningless, as that is my subjective analysis. In considering history and connotations, I would have thought she would have given this video more thought. For those who claim "love has no color" and other meaningless dribble from the leftwing, which is killing their community (just take a look at every democrat city and african-americans), the statement is intellectually dumb as no emotion has color. Use and portray any other man (Black, Asian, Puerto Rican, Arabic, etc) but not one who is symbolically associated with oppression of Black people. Oddly enough, this is about the only issue I agree with the leftwing white feminists on — the non-glorification of certain males. This may explain the national lukewarm embrace of this song since last year. It had great potential. The video essentially killed the song. Humans overall do not and will not remove the images ingrained in their minds with the association of a song. Marketing 101 teaches this. R. Kelly wrote a good song, and Mr. Blanks, in an attempt to be profound and tell a story, lost the plot. Mr. Blanks, you should have remained in Mississippi with your slavishly subservient disposition. VIdeo — Thumbs Down. Song — Now Questionable Category.

  7. Maxine Jones

    That Is One Of Fantasia Best That Was A Academy Awards perform And A Grammy performanceShe's Bad And Don't Take Her clothes off And Is sexy And Can SANG??????

  8. L F

    All I get out this video she's sucking the white man dick …. aka …. she's fucking the ? …. must fulfill her end of the contract …. " Yes , Sir "

  9. ren van

    Love can be a prison, especially if its a deep love that you can't give up, no matter what… Imagine being air hungry, how your body involuntary breathes for you no matter the struggle… Now imagine a person like that, that breath of air your body involuntary craves, needs regardless of consequence. You need it to survive, mentally.

  10. Tremekia Kirby

    I love every song she made young Aretha Franklin Soul she's a winner in my book


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