Cute Little Girl’s Hairstyle Tutorial

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Подробное описание видеоролика: We collaborated with the incredible Duck and Dry on the King’s Road where Emer talked us through a few easy children’s hair dos. This is the first in the series …

Количество показов на это время: 1568018

Дата постинга: 2015-06-17 13:15:00

Полная продолжительность видеоролика: 3:10

My Baba

Количество лайков: 3680

Количество дизлайков: 1400


  1. من كجه كوردم كركوك دلي كوردستان

    the hairstyles is so much nice but to easy

  2. elena Sal

    Oh my child's hair isn't able to be pulled into a simple ponytail. Hair slow growing and different lengths bummer.

  3. Andiena Sanchez

    Why every time when I see a viedo of how to make a braid or blo blo blo I always see people with their hair all clean and stuff why Is that???

  4. Feagin Ciara

    bo you like it??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????❤


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