5 BEST Mens Hairstyles On The Internet (EP.4) | Mens Hair 2018 | BluMaan

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Полное описание видеоролика: BluMaan Hair Products | https://blumaan.com — Let’s Keep it crackin! 5 MORE Awesome hairstyle Tutorials for men. — last episode: …

Количество просмотров на сегодня: 39511

Время постинга: 2018-08-08 17:00:05

Полная продолжительность видеоролика: 10:38


Количество лайков: 1840

Количество дизлайков: 20


  1. Pratik Panchal

    Your this types of videos is not good but your old videos are good. Please don't make next videos like this

  2. Lil Leslie

    Oohhohohoh.!!!!you use a wide tooth comb!!!!!! Thank you!!! Ive always wondered. And why is everyone telling him to grow it his hair.. He looks awesome with good hair now

  3. it'slit1000

    7:37 You can't dig him for smoldering when you do the same exact thing when you do your hair.

  4. Dylan Lai

    Hey Joe, I have naturally really thin/soft hair and a high hairline. Could you possibly give me some styling tips or a specific hairstyle?

  5. Neo Phoenix

    please do a tutorial with a diffuser, if a curly/wavy hairstyle can be achieved with straight hair

  6. Lyle Jason Daniels

    awww man — why don't you have one of the style in the thumbnail of the vid 🙁

  7. saurabh yadav

    dude its been 17 days i ordered from blumaan official site and my order is still not shipped and more worse your cutomer support team is not replyi g to my mail or masseges please have a look into it abd make my order shipped if its not posible please refund my money …[email protected] is my mail id and 30066597 is my order nuumber…

  8. hassaan haroon

    Joe. I requested this previously too. I m a great fan and i need ur products. But on ur website. I see that it is not available in my reigon which is pakistan. So plz do something about that.. i really need the original by blumaan

  9. yuvaneshwaren thiraviasamy

    What happen to budget breakdown joe i have thick hair and i need a hair clay even though i would love to own blumaan matte paste or cavalier clay its too expensive here so can u recommend a clay in Malaysia

  10. Zexirous km

    I go bald for these haircut… Cause my school can't get long or stylish hair…

  11. Johan

    A tutorial with a diffuser would definitely be cool. Now I just have to find mine ????

  12. Jonathan Shaeffer

    As a guy with thinner and crazy straight hair, it’d be cool to see a tutorial on a diffuser. I have thought about trying it out to see if I can get some volume out of it

  13. Fondil Mabols

    A lot, if not all, of these hairstyle clips and their "models" are so damn cheesy. Dudes trying to look sexy and cool. ????????????. Y'all need to stop! Hahaha

  14. Vastu Sharma

    Hey Joe,It's been a long time since you had grown your hair longLength of my hair is pretty same as yours and have quite thick hair tooSo I just want to increase my length around 10 inches(I know that's too long)but I can't deal with long hair, I don't know how to care or nourish them properly in order to prevent hair fall or hair thinning so I wanted you to grow your hair too so that you can upload your routine…I've recently started using ORIGINALS and its the best pre-styler I've ever use…I hope you'll guide and you'll also grow your hair long.I want the same hairstyle as the second last guy in your video.Love from INDIA Hope we'll collab soon 🙂

  15. Killer Punch

    Hey joe! I have thin hair have dyed my hair but it doesn’t look as healthy as yours does, any tips on how to give it any shine back or flow? Right now it’s all frizzy and damaged looking.

  16. Jose Maker

    Can u make another video on how u do your hair again. Ive been growing it out to get a something like u got. My hair type is regular hair, not thin but not thick. And can u show more of u doing it instead of skipping to the next step

  17. DAVID mejia

    You’re such an awesome guy joe thanks for helping me out with my hairstyling abilities with your videos????

  18. magic and hairstyles

    In India blumaan products looks so costly so plz reduce some prize in India and it will boost ur marketing


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