Смотрите прямо сейчас в режиме онлайн: Modern Undercut Pompadour Tutorial | Men’s Everyday Hairstyle 2017 | Alex Costa
Исчерпывающее описание видеоролика: Men’s Hairstyle Routine 2016! Modern Undercut ○ MY INSTAGRAM — https://goo.gl/jmK8if ○ SUBSCRIBE TO ALEX COSTA — https://goo.gl/RQdFEH …
Количество просмотров на сегодня: 71721
Время публикации: 2016-10-25 15:00:03
Полная продолжительность видеоролика: 3:37
Alex Costa
Количество лайков: 1782
Количество дизлайков: 45
Really enjoy your Videos, wouldn't mind the hair products
I like it
your hair tutorial didn't help me at all
It takes about 5 minutes to cut my hair into an undercut, which I do myself 😀 … then I'd apply gel and comb it in shape … so, 10-15 min
Why have you got rid off your man bun
Can u still do a man bun and does it go past your nose
How long is your hair
Onde será que eu encontro estes cremes para o cabelo, aqui no Brasil??
Sick hair, shooting for something like that ??
Alex, what is the kind of moroccan oil that you use in this routine? I need do buy this for my boyfriend but I did not find this in Brazil!!!
Se eu nao me engano ele tinha feito um video em se canal secundário falando em português esses dia (não lembro quanto tempo) Mas o canal dele sumiu , isso foi só pra mim ou pra todos.
porq não volta com o pt br
Awesome hair man. I hope u can answer me, I came to Malaysia recently to continue my postgraduate studies and I legit can't find pure virgin oils like coconut and olive oil.. I don't know what they're using tbh but any tips on how to keep hair strong, thick and stop it from falling? Thanks!
Made, volta a fazer videos em português. Gosto muito do seu trabalho e sucesso! 🙂
Hey made! Here in Brazil we didn't find this products :(I does "progressive brush" or "escova progressiva" in my hair still so smooth, but i really can't leave my hair like your, now my hair still growing and i will don't cut it, this is a way?Thanks Made!
made como sempre com um grande nível de qualidade ???
when's u r next video alex
No hairspray for final hold?
sir,I am 16 years old. I live in India…my hair is so long that it extends upto the mid section of my nostril…but since the pat few week I've been noticing a lot of hairfall…even when I comb my dry hair 5-8 hair strands fall out . is this just because of the winter or should I be worried?
on point.. hair.. beard..
eae made, agora Alex, não se esqueça de sua essência "made you" "10 snaps" "GTA" não se esqueça de onde vc veio
can i use the moose, w/o blow drying it?
love it, so smart. can you link the hair product ?
Try vebt brush
just watched one of your first videos you've definitely gotten alot better with the camera
Hey man! Not sure if ya remember me. Matt Waterfield from Cape Tech. Auto Tech. Just found your channel randomly! good stuff man, i also do YouTube…. just a little differently. Haha good to see your doing well man, catch ya later!
If you think that a round brush pulls your hair then try using a vented brush. It has less pull and tug and will help you get amazing volume using the same technique that you do with the round.Great videos btw just started watching you and really like your content. Keep up the great work! 😀
As qualidades dos vídeos são ótimas, parabéns Made! Ou melhor Alex kkk continue assim…
this can be told a updated hairstyle which is cool ?
Yo bro , freakin sick vid ?❤️❤️❤️ btw , what is the length at front to back bro ??? Thks , keep up the work ?
Really digging this new hairstyle
Perfect hair Alex!!!
Virou estilista, modelo, designer de moda Made?? Só fala de cabelo, cadê os vídeos legais??? #TACHATO!
How will your hair grow quicker text back
Your hair is good
Takes me 10 min how long did you have to grow your hair
I am really inspired by you
I'm feeling lucky for November 15 lol
Hey alex, how are you doing? Eu sou brasileiro também e tenho muita vontade de morar no exterior. Gostaria de saber como foi o seu processo para conseguir trabalhar na Google em L.A. Obrigado!
Vão aprender Inglês bando de preguiçosos, é muito mais produtivo do que ficar pedindo pra ele falar em português nos vídeos e talvez sirva pra alguma coisa nas suas vidas, eu sou Brasileiro e entendi tudo o que ele disse no vídeo inteiro.
Front to back, what are the lengths of your hair? If you'd be so kind to relay this information. Because I love this hair style and needed to grow my hair out again the right way. The way it needed to be grown out, to be cut for an undercut. Thanks.
alex costa which which oil you recommend ?
eu gostava dos vídeos de Gameplay pq não faz umas de vez em quando made? eu não mais inscrito no seu canal por causa disso. nada seus vídeos atuais mais e pq não atrai gosto de ver vídeos de jogos são divertidos. grande abraço sucesso sempre.
As of right now i'm using a dry shampoo to hold my hair, which I've found works a lot better than wax's and jell's for me personally. Do you think I'm doing any damage to my hair or scalp by doing this?
my b'day is on 18Nov so it would be great if i win the giveaway ?
Awesome! Thank you so much I got my hair cut like yours so I can do this style!
@Alex Costa: Try the Denman D3 Brush. It's great for smooting and gripping the Hair. I personally love this Brush for Blow Drys.
thanks man. great video. how do you keep your hair straight tho. mines always curl ontop.