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Исчерпывающее описание видео: On this episode we visit 탁이 형 to get our hair done for KCON LA! Purchase your We Fancy Merchandise: http://wefancy.store Gear We Use: …
Количество просмотров на сегодня: 85941
Время публикации: 2016-08-18 21:00:01
Полная продолжительность видео: 9:16
We Fancy
Количество лайков: 2747
Количество дизлайков: 74
needs toner
Next time have Guy Tang do your hair ????
omg how many times did you wash and dye your hair
BapMokja is gai
The second one turned out pretty cool…the first one was kind of so so
Bye to the hair
Where is this? Not saying I can or will get my hair done, just curious lol.
Omg in Korea getting your hair done is it more cheaper?? Or expensive? I know that in America it's really expensive to just a single hair dye
How to get K-pop hair styleStep 1: Get two-block Done!
nice color, but after 4 5 times you dye your hair, it's so damaged your hair. I'm a girl but i've never dyed too much
They don't have haircuters like that where I live. Damn.
I loveeeee the angles and background music in this video. And you guys look amazing even though this is a while back. I decided to rewatch all your vids now that I have a YouTube account lol
how much was this?? $$$$
Haeppy has everything to become a model and an actor
As an a ex-hairdresser, Haeppy should of had his head shaved it was super damaged. I was looking at the breakage on the finished review.
you look Fabulous
when you bleach your hair and want to color it again with black will there be a problem?
those hairstyles…..are not that great.
Boys who wants to look pretty like girls!
lmao imagine how long this all takes, especially if youre a real kpop idol, 5 hours daily lol
why did they have to curl bapmokja's hair? it all went straight after all that coloring
i liked haeppy's hair better than bapmokja
Guys … you'r hair are totally destroyed… 🙁
I dont think u two should be styling and dying ur hair so much, both your hairlines are recedinggggggg
Haeppy bro ???????????? i like your eyes so bad. Dun think about getting double eyelid surgery anyway ???????? you are just so hot this way.
Heat Miser and Snow Miser LOLOL
What volume did he use to bleach y'alls hair? It seemed that even though he bleached it so many times there was still lots of yellow tones present, i bleached my hair over the summer with a 40 vol (my mom did it for me…..because of certain reasons????) and just that alone damaged my hair SOOO much (not smart to use such a strong volume but my hair was dark and thick) now I'm in the process of getting it back healthy and trying to dye it back black….I can't put anymore permanent dyes on my hair since I've been through 2 semi dyes and 2 permanent dyes???? I have to receive Aphogee and Olaplex treatments to strengthen my hair and get my curls back ???????? she can only tone my hair now so no more permanent dyes ???? but when I get my hair back healthy (and get a job????????) I would like to do it again but this time with professional help????(also if my school would allow unnatural hair colors????)
this is another great technique.
your hair look like road kill. LMFAO
while the perm was being done I got a flashback of boys over flowers
You two are so cute…Fire & Ice
which Korea is it… south or north
Beautiful cuts and colors
Omg 4x bleaching? does it hurt?
6:40 that flawless skin!! wow!!
RIP hair…
9:06 يلبيه شذا الزين
Where is this hair salon ?
I want to see BapMokja style his bangs down
I would give that man all my money just to touch my hair
Having your hair down is so much better bapmokja! I do like everything they did.
Haeppy had puffy sides!!!