Посмотрите прямо сейчас онлайн: Chris Hemsworth and Scarlett Johansson Insult Each Other | CONTAINS STRONG LANGUAGE!
Полное описание видеоролика: «You’re ugly!»: Avengers: Endgame stars Chris Hemsworth and Scarlett Johansson take it in turns to INSULT EACH OTHER on BBC Radio 1’s Playground …
Количество просмотров на это время: 11614231
Время постинга: 2019-04-24 13:58:43
Полная продолжительность видеоролика: 5:4
BBC Radio 1
Количество лайков: 262431
Количество дизлайков: 9262
????Hit that reminder bell to see Avengers: Endgame stars Chris Hemsworth and Scarlett Johansson go head-to-head in Playground Insults – 3pm GMT, Wednesday 24th April. ????
I was to busy looking at something I wasn’t focused on what they were saying
This blondie girl its an angel
Scarlett wanted to BOONNEEEE Chris right then and there, she would not mind if them two dude would watch
*Scarlett calls Chris ugly* Me: R u kidding me he’s a beautiful manIk she was just joking it’s just a natural instinct for me????❤️
You should do rdj vs Chris Evens
0:17 hands too soft for a guy with hammer
Yo you actually can’t even say he’s ugly lol just look at him
Tom Holland vs Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan
She’s a fucking weirdo
It's a good thing they're pretty cause they kind of suck at this…it was charming though
they need to just go do it. rent a room and do it ya can't do it any more.
Ryan Reynold's and Josh Brolin's insults made this session look like child's play
Contains Strong LanguageChris: "Beauty is on the inside and inside you is just awful"Scarlett: "Your biceps look like Thanksgiving turkeys"That's strong language indeed ????
Scarlet Yohansson?
what did chris say at 3:52 ? I couldn't understand.
bbc: "contains strong language"scarlet: "uR biCePS lOok liKe tuRkeYs"
"Contains strong language."Come to my home country and I'll show you what 'strong language' really is.
I'd love to sit on his "hammer"…
It was supposed to be the best one ever and it was probably the worst playground insults but SO FUNNY! Love them!!
listen from 0:25 and just close your eyes
put brie and him on this. every insult would be 100% real from chris XD
scarlett destroyed him XD
Scarlett is so goddamn attractive without even trying; like JUST LISTEN TO 0:29 AND AHHHH
most awkward insultS ever!
She is everything. He's a handsome dude. So much beauty in this video
Imagine Chris Hemsworth and Brie Larson doing this
This was the worst one. I want back and forth back and forth
Change the hosts
Playground insults (gone personal)
Y’all need to get Robert Downey Jr and Chris Evans on here????‼️ I swear that would be a good one. Even tho Robert stay coming for him
Rdj vs Tom holland
Is it my imagination or did she look down when she said "Your hammer got bigger"
Is it just me or is there something between these two?
Noobmaster69 = Deadpool
That was weak-af. Lawrence and Pratt were much better sports.
Host: Don’t take the insults personallyBrie Larson: Is that a personal attack or something?
Please do Chris Hemsworth VS Brie Larson, I'll go get my popcorn.
Woah… ThIs iS a ChRiStiAn SeRvEr
She just not funny
Thor: me and loki was looking at BW's ass and it was flatter than the earth.. ????
omfg I love Scarlett