Посмотрите прямо сейчас онлайн: Top 3 MUST HAVE Pants for Men | Store Style Essentials | EPISODE 2
Подробное описание видео: BluMaan Hair Products | https://blumaan.com — It’s Store Style Essentials Episode 2, Top 3 MUST HAVE Pants — Watch Episode 1 Here …
Количество показов на сегодня: 38780
Время публикации: 2018-06-22 17:00:04
Полная продолжительность видео: 3:32
Количество лайков: 2279
Количество дизлайков: 52
Already loving this series
As a heavy guy i never wear slim fit pants and as he said i usually wear baggy pants but this vedio motivated me so im goin to try a slim pant
What are the distressed jeans called?
Hey Joe,I Have Some White Hair May Some 15-18 On The top Of My Hair ,5-12 are near the left ear and the remaining In The Middle of the top of head If that makes sense.These Just Got White last year and still WhiteWhat should i do?
We need video like this but summer style
Where does this man shop I love his style but can never find it
اين الترجمة ؟
Really nice video, but what is the brand of the red striped jeans?
what shirts are you wearing?they are looking great
Is it bad I don't own any of these? Lol
good job blumaan i really like the episode … as-well i like limited Manchester store most of time i go there to buy my clothes
I don't feel secure in skinnier jeans… My legs are skinny…
I stay in india and dress better than you
Where did you get the T-shirt at 0:47
Did he move to Manchester?
For me the trend of skinny and distressed jeanes is over. The 80s 90s inspired urban street styles are top notch for me at the moment.
Spanish !!! Sub
Gotta workout more to kills these fat on my body
Love the bulge ????????????????
Idk why but I find this style kinda cringe. Looks like a whole forever 21 outfit. Not original. Typical skinny jeans with a curved hem shirt. Explore different styles, different silhouettes, different fitting trousers or shirts. Check out Sangiev, or Magnus, or brands like Dior, Balenciaga, or if you like something simple but timeless with a bit of rocker, Saint Laurent… Just my opinion though. I would love to see you switch it up and explore things out of your comfort zone.
U give off the vibe that you are really self conscious and try to project confidence while having low self esteem. Good looking people fall victim to this a lot which is surprising.
Not trying to be rude, but I’m new to this channel and all hair styling channels and I just think the “volume” aspect these people put on their hair is just so goofy looking. Can someone please explain the reason for it?
Your style is????
Please add the Arabic language
Rip views…
You need more leg days…….
Disstressed jeans are the opposite of an essential
I love this series!!!
the first jeans with the red stripes looks awful ….but i love when joe does clothing series
I'd call the last pair non-denim jeans, rather than chinos. True chinos have vertical pockets, and inner sewed back pockets
I love this series! Can't wait til next week's episode!
(I have been a subscriber since your hair tips videos! Really like your content!)
hey joe next time is going about shoe right?
joe for mens fashion????
Finally one video about style that doesn't contain ads. Maybe it's because fashion is the new topic of this channel
Camera angles????
Im my opinion, the chinos are the only pair which looks good on you
The super skinny jeans, almost looking like leggings are too slim. Your big feet and whith that big shoes dont go well with that, but its just my opinion, everyone should wear what they want
You look feminine , you said slim not skinny there's a difference
How to be fair like u
joe's looks are cool. is it just me that is bothere than his pants are too tight for him?
Nice video
Already loving your different skills
There aren't any mention about pinroll. Don't we have to do it on any of the pants?
Jackets next?
In love with this series
To tight man. U need work
Dapatkah setiap video anda ada terjemahan bahasa indonesia? Saya suka video anda, salam saya dari indonesia.