Смотрите прямо сейчас онлайн: Life With Pet Rats | Daily Routine & Q&A
Исчерпывающее описание видео: In this video I’m going to share what it’s like to live with pet rats. I’ll show you our daily routine and answer some of the questions you guys had. Enjoy watching!
Число показов на сегодня: 12620
Дата постинга: 2019-06-13 13:00:03
Полная продолжительность видео: 15:39
Количество лайков: 1136
Количество дизлайков: 9
Here in the u.s. a boy got a rat at PetCo(a very popular chain that has rats,hamsters and sometimes cats and also does grooming) and he loved the rat so much they hung out 24/7… unfortunately he died after getting sick and it was caused by either a rat bite or just something the rat carried (I think they said black plague) … so get your rats tested u never know and I wouldn’t want the same thing happen to you or someone u know
Rats are awesome pets, I have two lazy chonkers????
That bell idea is genius. I need to keep that in mind for when I have rats again, when I had rats first they tended to get a little lost (I still knew they were in my room but where was an issue ^^)
I LOVED THIS, I would watch you talk about and play with your rats for hours. I'm also so happy that you get your rats from ratteries breeding for health (and hopefully temperament?) rather than things like colourre: other animals with rats — you have to be careful with dogs, as some breeds are much more prey driven than others. I don't know anybody that has sighthounds (greyhounds, whippets, borzoi, silkens, etc) that would ever get rats, as sighthounds will happily chase a small fast animal. a friend of mine has a dachshund who chases rabbits (hound!) but he was totally fine with her rats when she had them so there is definitely a degree of familiarity that come into play. just better to be cautious when it comes to breeds with higher prey drive. as for cats, my guess is that if you get them as kittens and introduce them and familiarise them early enough, they would leave house rats alone (although probably still keep your home free of foreign rodents!)you mentioned when you get a bigger house with a garden, you will probably get cats — please don't let your cats outside unsupervised if/when that happens. they are very destructive, killing for fun rather than food, getting into other people's property, and breeding if they are intact (as may be the law in the netherlands? I know some european countries have banned sterilization without medical necessity). outdoor cats are also at risk for things like FIV and other diseases, being run over, being poisoned either by things like antifreeze or by eating poisoned rodents, and getting into fights with other cats or raccoons/dogs/etc. obviously a bigger place with more space for various species is important, but I just hope you do keep your cats contained either indoors or in a catio, or outside only on leashed walks
Rats are amazing! My two girls are so sweet!
I would say you’d have to get your grown rats used to a kitten and vice versa. Don’t trust a grown cat that wasn’t raised with little animals. They can act ok with it and then one day…. Ask my sister’s budgie. ????
‘Has trouble sharing food with others’ — relatable!????
I find the smell of my rats fur really comforting too
I have become allergic to rats ( I think it actually increased and was always there in the first place). I cried so hard when I had to bring the girls back to the rat breeder after one year. Bless her, she is a true rat lover and took excellent care. If there is one thing I can tell about rats is that I was amazed at how MUCH character is in such a LITTLE animal! <3
I adored my pet rat. I inherited her from my brother because she peed on him every time he tried to pick her up. She never peed on me once! She slept in the crook of my neck under my hair while I was at the computer. She lived to the ripe old age of four.
rats are best animals <3
I have too 2 twister males, i don't give name to hers because i like to call her with whispering to training ^^ i love her
Note to self dont rush read while hig on painkillers… i did read Living With Pee Rash ????
For my boys, I used school triboards board that's I taped together to create a large play area for my boys to free range in. Highly recommend if you don't have a rat room.
OMG I liked you before.. Now I love you ???? I want so bad to adopt a baby rat
You are lonely ????
o m g — we basically have the same rat start story! my girlfriend's housemate neglected these three rats for years. they moved out & just. left them here. without saying anything to anyone. we got 4 babies to keep company at the start of this year, & our elderly boys passed away two or so months ago.
Amazing! I've enjoyed your videos for a while now especially your hair related ones but I never knew you had rats ???? I also have 4 very sweet boys. Love your setup and your boys are so adorable!
There are sooooo cute ???????????????? years ago I had a rat too. She was always in my shirt. For me you can talk about rats more
One of my boys names is Kevin too