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Исчерпывающее описание видео: I styled 3 outfits inspired by the popular fashions of fifty years ago! As 2017 comes to a close, I figured I would close out our decades through fashion series with …
Количество показов на это время: 3372922
Время публикации: 2017-12-31 18:19:48
Полная продолжительность видео: 15:49
Safiya Nygaard
Количество лайков: 151589
Количество дизлайков: 1326
HAPPY NEW YEARS FRIENDS!!! pls enjoy the last video of 2017, the finale (for now) of our decades through fashion videos!! maybe we'll do some more next year, but probably mix up the format a lil bit. thank u all for sticking around through 2017, i can't wait to share what we have planned in 2018 with u all! xoxo, saf
Why am I getting Nick Miller vibes from Tyler when he gets dressed up too? ????
Im showing this to my mom. she was born in 1967
The first you did look like buttercup!.????
The first mod look was killer! those tights and shoes, that neon green, that eyeliner… hell yes
Just had to pause the video and say the second look with the purple paisley dress belonging to your grandmother looked very good on you. That style along with the hairdo was an outfit for a classy, mature woman (like Mrs. Robinson). OK, carry on . . .
Doesn`t she looks like one of the Powerpuff girls <3
I feel like I would connect to the hippie outfit better than the rest of them
That green looks like buttercup in 1967! 😀 ????????
Safiya looks like Buttercup from The Powerpuff Girls
make this a series
I wove dese cinds ov videos Hope that made ya confused:)
My mom actually loves when i watch these videos. My mom is always like “how does she have the power to teach you about the 60’s, 80’s, 50’s etc; while making you laugh? I love her” ???????? My mom wasn’t even born until 1978????
Safiya pleaseee tell me where i can find the picture at 7:55 with the lady on the right, I am in love!!!
Today's fashion is "The unsatisfied" … no style whatsoever, looking like a homeless person and the "I'm easily offended attitude" this applies for everyone no matter your age.
In the first outfit she looks like if Buttercup (the ppg) had a mom
the first outfit reminded me of a more "office" buttercup look XDthe second was very gorgeous it really reminded me of a Chinese Cheongsam dress thought the bottom was more flowey than of a Cheongsam'sThe third outfit i have no idea why instantly reminded me of the Beatles (its funny that later on you did bring them up XD)
"BTS and beetles are like the same thing" "BTS beetles bt beetles" "the beetles are the biggest band in the world". Any army would know what I mean
The new ship name is tifiya
“I’m thicky”
What, Sharon NO!
That yellow jumpsuit at 7:55, GOD I love that CUT! But the fabric…can't help but remind me of my grandma's curtains.
For the first outfit you look like buttercup from powerfuff girls
These fashion outfits are really fun! I've really enjoyed all of them. FYI, the bag in the hippy outfit is crochet, not knitted. I know most people don't care, but I think that's a shame because the differences are fun and interesting to me. (Can you tell that I crochet?)
Ya'll should wear thyat as your halloween costum
You can make all the fun you want….but everything looks wonderful….never looked your best….wish this stuff was still around…
you look like buttercup from the powerpuff girls
The first look was definitely buttercup from the powerpuff girls ????
it's that startrek look
Your first outfit kinda looked like buttercup from the powerfuff girls
Any straight guys watching this????
I thought it was ansel elgort for a moment.. 1:20
My uncle was a mod as a teenager so it’s cool to see it be recreated
The first outfit makes you look like buttercup from the power puff girls ???????? well I think that's her name
Can you do the early 1900 like 1905
You should keep going until 1800s
I want you to put the short green dress on again and get in front of a green screen
Safiya in the second outfit reminds me so strongly of Eleanor Bron in “Help!” … the movie was made in ‘65 so I guess it fits!