Смотрите прямо сейчас онлайн: How to Achieve your FULL POTENTIAL to Look & Feel Your Best
Подробное описание видеоролика: Get Hone at your doorstep: http://honehealth.com/alexcosta Change your life with Hone! More energy, more confidence, more youth. ○ Follow me on …
Число показов на сегодня: 96328
Дата публикации: 2021-07-13 14:30:03
Полная продолжительность видеоролика: 10:34
Alex Costa
Количество лайков: 7084
Количество дизлайков: 106
Don't forget to follow me on instagram.com/alexcostaThank you for watching and have a GREAT week!-AC
You're My Man!????
Awesome video, full of truth!
grow a beard
Viome and Thryve are great gut tests for men approaching their 30's. Good to optimize your health
Well, our styles are incredibly different. I dress emo/scene, but still find some of your content useful. Nice
Great job man your videos have changed my life I was overweight and not happy now I’m fit and have a amazing girlfriend and own 6 gyms and a autoshop you are killing it out there.
I can't find one so I made it. Hope it helps!1:40 sponsor hone3:57 make small consistent changes5:48 eat healthy, change your diet6:01 workout6:50 have a skincare routine7:27 try new hairstyles8:07 have a good grooming routine9:04 try different dressing styles
Thank you so much ❤️❤️ Alex love from and Indian???????? Keep up your great work bro stay safe
i love you alex great video
This video was great !! More of these vids please !! Thanks Alex !!
David Beckham honestly still looks above average even with glasses and long hair lmao
I know myself from the tongue to the tongue
Are you? Masai because you are ok
The hell of the Safa Al-Sawar so I hope you
Is on a distinguished road
Everyone can reach their full potential! Keep going for it! Never giveaway!
Nice vid
the thing about being good looking or not, as evidenced by the beckham photos, its a lot about image. a lot of people said i was good looking but i know and say im not that good looking, i see men that are way better looking than me but they have no idea about image. you just need to get a straight up body, and neaten everything up , hair beard , teeth nails, plain t shirt well fitted jeans , decent shoes, its a lot less complicated than people think, this used to be a well kept secret, but its out there, its just people dont believe it, but try it, simplify things, stay clear of fashion , ( check gucci website now it looks like a bomb went off in a charity shop) think like a man you respect, copy classy celebs a little, i could deck myself out for 50 or 5000 and look pretty similar, you can get ok clothes at reasonable cost, just make sure they fit. drink water, go easy on drink, drugs are for clowns, stay away from drugs. dont be depressed we are all going to die , just calm it down relax, minimalise, enjoy nature, hve a cup of tea , think, read, make money, save it, dont get obsessed with women or pulling women, they can be hard work, just be a man, enjoy the simple things.
Video on hair colouring
Nice video Alex
I felt it so deep bro Thanks a lot man
Love from India ❤️
Beckham ???? King of free kick
love you man!
Ad ends 3:50
You are an inspiration man ????????????
Day by day u r goin to paid channel man. ????????
You forgot drink your Water
This was actually very inspiring. Think I might get my ass off the couch now
The editing of this video is not really that great !!!
Alex Costa not stopping until he make us a real gentleman ❤️
Who else keep fixing their shirt or hair when watching Alex’s videos?
Imagine a heart from alex
Nice vid!
Alex have you ever listen the name of MONEY.. ACTUALLY that's more important ????
kinda miss lion alex :'(