Смотрите прямо сейчас онлайн: Fat People Life Hacks!
Подробное описание видео: 10 SIMPLE LIFE HACKS Make sure to subscribe before you leave! LATEST VIDEOS: Apply Makeup With a Sock: https: //youtu.be/29J5JPZJnWs Take Her …
Число показов на это время: 19282714
Время постинга: 2016-05-19 22:28:39
Полная продолжительность видео: 4:45
Количество лайков: 377640
Количество дизлайков: 12284
Why does she remind me of karina garcia??
Так вот откуда Синяк скопировал лайфхаки
εισαι οτι νανε
I. NEED. A. SPANX. I´m somewhat of a curvy girl and your girl right here likes to eat, so….Thanks for this hacks!
She looks like Karina Garcia..?
im not skinny, nor fat, but the thigh with baby powder helped me thx!
is she…………Karina Garcia's……TWIN?!???!!!!
Ur gorgeous
I have 5 brothers and don't know jack shit about makeup at allnever bothered putting it on unless someone died or its my grad picture (cause i have to actually look at that one)and most of what I've seen is makeup standards from the 90's (my mom lol)probably wont start now since I'm in my 20's mostly cause I'm lazy as fuck but I admire the effort you put into your appearancemaybe if a had female friends or a sister I would know more…but I'm so far removed from that part of the gender spectrum I probably wouldn't get along with them well despite being a female myself :/ooh i see a how to lose butt fat in the videos on the right side of the screen must clic-
You're pretty!
This weird thing people have by making out that fat people are lazy really annoys me.I know plenty of people in my job who are slim and take good care of themselves when it comes to their bodies but don't lift a pinky finger in work and some of the hardest workers are fat. My old manager was really obese and he fucking got stuck in.So no fat does not always equate with lazy people.I put on weight recently because I comfort eat and I won't lie. (I had very personal,shocking news).I know exactly what I'm doing wrong but I can tell you I'm far from lazy and I even did a walk 16 miles for charity with a friend. She is slim and does the gym twice a week. She was crippled by the end of it. I was grand. If you seriously care about people being obese, then stop being negative, give helpful, constructive tips and only if asked for.You are not that persons doctor or even a close friend/family member. It will come of as being a bully/troll.And if you are just a troll, please, please, be more original.
After the clothes are off, she's like I'm fucking fat
bitch im male
Nice painting. i like to see who Im looking at though. The world is a venice carnival.
Instead of baby powder betwixt your inner thighs, try stick deodorant.
omg ur beuttiful
Hey don't use Jonson and jhonses baby powder
Girl I love they way you inspire ppl! Keep up the good work
does anyone else want to start a petition to get rid of "plus-size" everyone's beautiful and I just think using that makes people feel different
powder will make your skin dark and dry. so pls don't