Смотрите прямо сейчас онлайн: 5 GREAT Hair Hacks Every Guy Should Know | Men’s Hairstyle Tutorial | BluMaan 2018
Исчерпывающее описание видео: BluMaan Hair Products | https://blumaan.com — I’ve 5 GREAT Hair Hacks Which EVERY Guy Should Know! — 5 Common Style Mistakes Every Guy Makes — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vI071B7zD90…
Количество показов на сегодня: 117654
Время постинга: 2018-03-05 18:00:05
Полная продолжительность видео: 9:12
Количество лайков: 4574
Количество дизлайков: 121
Shave the head
Ur a fuckin Legend
Hello Blumaan, please please help me out with this! This question is from one of your videos that was posted 3 years ago- Mad Men Inspired HairstyleWhen I try to do this Mad Men style with Pomade, I initially get the look, almost perfect, but when I go out my hair doesn't stay like that. The air totally ruins it, what can I do? Use Hair Gel in combination with it or what? Please say something
My Hairs Are Tooo Much Thick! I Daily Style Them But After A Moment It Goes Messy I Use Hair Oil….Maybe That Is The Excuse..
Uuhhh..You Apply Hair Products On Wet Hair Or..Dry..??
one of my personal hair tips is use a salt spray with argan oil. also it’s very easy and cost effective to make your own salt spray
He's slowly going to be Pewbs. That's for sure
1 dabbing paul = 1 dislike 🙂
Hii Joe can you make a video on Hair Oils/Hair Serums!!!????
Damn lit ????????
To neat
the video is 9 minutes and 11 seconds long… JOE DID 9/11
I feel like sneaking into your home and shaving off all your hair while you sleep.
My barber says I have fine hair… Odoud matte paste & HDF quicksand works best for me
dat pewdiepie reference
What about your photo editing. Please explain us bluman
What about Pete and Pedro?
Dishwashing soap instead of cleansing shampoo it's a great, cheap and easy alternativ.
For me, the comb is my problem
Jose the type of the Zuniga to… Wait Wrong Comment Section
I dont get it, hair oils and serums are used as pre stylers? Or used before pre stylers? Or maybe they are used once a week? Every night?
Mate. Can you make a video on helmet head
0:02 ????????????
Yoo bro joe, i just get my hair cut too short and it looks ugly. Can you make a video about how to grow hair even more faster. I hope you read this and respond to this???? your the best bro????
Hey can you make a video on is it possible to grow hair on some regions where hair is lost…… Please if you see this reply me #blufam
I'm black why am I watching this ?
Hey Joe, I'm from Brazil, when is BluMaan going to be international?
Make another season of blue mountain state
BluMaan, you asked the viewers to comment their hair hacks. So, I am from India and a lot of people apply Onion Juice in our hair to make it soft and stimulate hair growth. MAKE A VIDEO ON IT. LOOKING FORWARD.
Hey i got a really damaged hair and it is so rough how can i get it smooth and soft