Смотрите прямо сейчас онлайн: 5 Awesome Hairstyle Tutorials for Men 2018 (EP.1) | Mens Hair 2018 | BluMaan
Полное описание видеоролика: BluMaan Hair Products | https://blumaan.com — Reserve your David Rozman & BluMaan training day: https://www.davidrozman.co.uk/sessions/ — These are 5 …
Число показов на это время: 67923
Время постинга: 2018-07-18 17:00:04
Полная продолжительность видеоролика: 10:5
Количество лайков: 2860
Количество дизлайков: 51
so glad you guys are enjoying this series. You have no idea how much work that saves me… you know what they say — why make your own content when you can just use others! 😉 …Pewdiepie has trained me well…
Pause at 4:23 and check HIS left side of the back. I don't know who did that fade but he should never cut hair ever again
I really want to try that Brad Pitt one. I usually get a quiff I think it's called? With it short all around with a blend and left all long on top but I have been wanting to try a hairstyle like that with all long on top, short all around sides with no blend and I hope to get to try BluMaan hair gel product too for my thick wavy hair.
Kochi is from sweden
I have the first guy's hair type. People say it's great until you miss that one knot when brushing and you are putting product it and rip a couple of hairs out… Or when you grow hair out from like a buzz on sides cuz the hair starts sticking straight out no matter what.
Thinking about getting highlights like that, would would the barber for the exact color and amount that you have?
Awesome hairstyles!!!
anyone got an idea whats the title of the music?
kochi is cool tooo
Hubby has gorgeous hair but he has no idea what to do with it. Think him having a lot of bad hair cuts has disheartened him. Thanks for your videos! Very informative…now I just need to see a video on how to cut it to be ready for styling.
@BluMaan, Hello my name is Isaiah, I love your videos and I have used a couple of the hairstyles you have demoed in the past. But there is one thing I struggle with is being overweight. I am not obese but I am not skinny and do not have as great of a jaw line as you do. Any tips to rock a style/haircut for someone overweight?
Awesome series man. Also, what kinda style would you suggest for an oval face and chin length hair with undercut?
I really do like these videos ????
I PERSONALLY would not care for this as a series every week maybe once a month just my thought
Brother i have too wavy hair but i want good hairstyle that stays together all day but can't get it can you help
What happened to your hair over the last few weeks? It looks like you're not getting nearly as much volume as you used to on the top of your head. Looks almost like you've been wearing headphones.
Can you show more videos of hairstyles for shorter hair like 2 or 3 inches? Thx!!
Thanks for the ideas keep on making these awesome videos BluMann!!
How would I get the brush down look? My front hairs naturally stand up (I have thin straight hair)
hello i am 16 years old and my hair is receiding on the front in the sides any advise for a hairstyle?
Can you do a video to help people with curly hair? (Hairstyles and hair products)
The lad with straight hair that intentionally curl his hair is a sick ungrateful fuck. I have curly hair and i hate it.
I am just absolute ass at styling my hair
my asshole is itchy
This series was big bang
Starting new series but here we are still waiting for your budget breakdown series to actually feature budget products…smh come on man you're killing me!
I love his voice
When I get a skin fade my one grows back after 2/3 days which is a piss take
Can you do some vid about side part with skin fade
What if my ears stick out a bit? Should I avoid a skin fade or quiff/undercut lengths?
Now please find videos for dudes with wavy hair ????
Didn't Joe get a haircut like, some days ago? Where's that gone?!
We need dreadlocks ????
Having thin hair doesnt keep on point at the end of the day
For the LOVE OF GOD, can you please have a tutorial for curly hair. It honestly takes me half an hour to 45 minutes to get my hair borderline decent, and even then I hate it. PLEASE can you make a tutorial for curly hair
Can you show more hairstyles for men with curled hair?
Ps Kochi is based in Stockholm Sweden — know your peeps BM ????????
What a great idea — pulling together other video tutorials and commenting on them. Also ‘the guy’s’ name is Johnny Edlind. BluMaan subscribers can check out his YouTube channel here >>> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdwVdfPkHHRAKOAUC8GQvAw
Where is the men from the thumbnail can anyone help me getting the name of that cut or style
Nice buddy ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????✨????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????