Смотрите прямо сейчас онлайн: 3 Mens HAIRCUTS & 2 Easy HAIR Tutorials for Men 2018 (EP.3) | Mens Hair | BluMaan 2018
Подробное описание видео: BluMaan Hair Products | https://blumaan.com — Let’s Keep it crackin! 5 MORE Awesome hairstyle Tutorials for men. — last episode: …
Число просмотров на сегодня: 51906
Время постинга: 2018-08-01 17:00:01
Полная продолжительность видео: 10:2
Количество лайков: 1845
Количество дизлайков: 44
where were u in the video it looks like a work office
hey everyone check 5:03 and turn the captions on
Well my family members hate my medium lenght hair. They said that you cant have long hair, not for school or something. But ever since i took care of my hair it inspires me to wake up early go to school you know. But they dont understand that. They cannot support me in any way. HAIRLOVER4EVER
Can anyone give me tips, why my hair starts to bottom out when I try to do a comeover.
show more spikey hairstyles
Whats up guys ….my name is dhiraj
At 8:22 there is literally 5 other people that look exactly like the barber wtf
https://youtu.be/uspNdKgKctUCheck out Jason .
Do some 3A, 3B, 3C, 4A, 4B and 4C type. U just show haircuts for guys who have straight or wavy hair. We want some curls
Thanks Joe ❤
I think Joe should go for the faded modern slick back undercut again. I thought that was the best cut he ever rocked imo.
Whats the name and side number of your haircut?
BluMaan please do a video abour hairloss I'm 21 yo and Im starting to lose hair from the back of my haid it it feels sucks please I can't lose my hair what can I do
Awesome bro…
You should do a video where you give advice to random people asking for help on the Facebook discussion group
Can u shop on your store with a prepaid visa
Hey mate, i would really appreciate it if you could help me out, basically i have an oblong face, and i was looking for which haircut to go for, if you are able to include the dimensions as well that would be awesome, thnx in advance 😀
Joe stop being a pussy and grow the hair out. Whole hair, not just the top. We have not seen long sides on you like… ever?
loving this series Joe. keep up the great work!
grow your sides out for a sidepart! we’ve never seen it from you come on man
can you do a razor line on your hair
Love form india… Dude i love your videos….. Tysm for the information, keep hustling ????????????
Joe. Its a humble request. Im a fan of urs and i live in pakistan. I want ur products but it isnt available in my reigon as said by ur website. So if u can plz do something about this and also ship in pakistan. Thnx bro. U rock
song plss!!
Awesome bro
Second cut should just be called the "Arab Footballer's Cut" tho
You jacket in background disturbs alot
Am i only one who have thick wavy hair and have problem with frizz ans dry hair and cant find any yt video about this hair type lol
i have dry hair because of hair coloring . i dye my hair because of whitehair. i have super straight hair but its dry any recommendation
Why not go all the way short Joe?
Good content bro I love how you are showing not only your own hair on dis channel
Where did you got that haircut joe ?
The intro has so epic ????????
You look best with long hair…… Joe
Had you been trying the hairstyle in the third clip, what would you have done to make it more natural? Cuz I also deal with same issue
Joe u look fire ???? ????
I'm new to really caring about styling my hair and I was just wondering to get an undercut would you recommend going to a salon or a barber?