Посмотрите прямо сейчас онлайн: 10 Hair HACKS You’ve NEVER Seen Before!!
Исчерпывающее описание видеоролика: 10 Makeup HACKS You’ve NEVER Seen Before!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zG7cZesYek NAIL HACK: Using MARKERS to Remove Nail Polish!??!
Число показов на сегодня: 5959742
Время постинга: 2016-09-12 00:33:29
Полная продолжительность видеоролика: 6:37
Количество лайков: 64353
Количество дизлайков: 3098
what's the time that it will stay curl like that
quem fala português ai em???
stupid video
I liked the 4th Hack …
I liked the 4th Hack …
How much time I have to leave my hair ??? After twisting it ?
allah bilir yemeği neyle yiyecek
i will try to curl my hair
español algien
I did this board and it got stuck in my hair and I had to cut my hair
omg your the real life Ariel!!!!??????????????
She can't say never th ought of bc anyone probaly have not only u
Was about to get rid of some old jewelry — thanks for wonderful HACK. Glad I found your channel
I liked all of the hacks
I try it . It never works
i've seen the 2nd one before
very nice hair hacks
My favorite was the ?(fork)
Thanks!i like this video!?
it doesn't work coz my hair is flat, thin and straight
Thank you ❤️
and I love ur hair
Oml ur so pretty?
Я одна тут русская???
Brilliant ideas. ??
what if your hair (like mine) is like really really dry
I have natural beach waves but before I had those I used to have straight hair when I used to live in amarica
i liked ur eyebrows they are pretty good
i liked ur eyebrows they are pretty good