Twisted Edge Fishtail Braid, Hair Tutorial

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Полное описание видеоролика: Find us on Instagram here: Our video tutorial this week is a fun variation of the ever popular and trendy fishtail braid, which …

Количество просмотров на сегодня: 13609107

Время публикации: 2014-11-19 18:30:05

Полная продолжительность видеоролика: 3:38

Princess Hairstyles

Количество лайков: 86448

Количество дизлайков: 3814


  1. Bixer928

    Awesome tutorial! You made the instructions clear and easy to understand! By the way, beautiful braid!

  2. Tierah Benn

    like the hairstyle but it hard to me to do as a chid I wish I have long hair to get that hair style


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