Смотрите прямо сейчас онлайн: Top 10 Mistakes YOU Make In Pokemon Unite — Best Pokemon UNITE Tips!
Полное описание видеоролика: Pokemon UNITE beginner guide — Top 10 mistakes you make in Pokemon UNITE! Pokemon UNITE can be a very difficult game for beginners, especially those …
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Время постинга: 2021-07-22 19:36:44
Полная продолжительность видеоролика: 20:22
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I’m not even kidding but after watching this video I played a ranked game and won 1086 to 170
It doesn't matter how good I think I am at anything, new and fresh perspectives are always welcome
I must be really good at Venusaur then, I usually carry teams with him
The points you make are valid but they are waaaay too offensive for people trying to be better at the game and it might just make them feel bad and leave. My GF is just starting to play and I am putting together videos that can help her be better, since she hasn't played a MOBA before. She already has this feeling that doesn't want to play even though she absolutely LOVES pokemon.I have no doubts in my mind that you public figure will cement through the coming months and since you are going to be heard I would love that you do not spread hate towards people that are less skilled, less aware of maps or less 'versed' in MOBA gaming. This video has good points, but I can not show it to my gf because of the way the information was given, it was totally passive agressive, you must set your feelings asides and focus on the information, I KNOW that you have the hability of giving this information on a positive way.My best wishes.
2:20 that venasaur ulti damage thou ????????
elitist babling, i had never played a MOBA before and i'm MVP atleast every two games.
I keep hearing people say that venusaur is a bad character but I win while using him 90% of the time. Meanwhile I get killed every two seconds with charizard.. I’m not even a fan of venusaur, but if you level up quickly in the beginning of the match, you can destroy tanks or large groups easily with solar beam+.
I mainly play absol or zeraora, however If I only see speedster in my Team and no Support at all, I play slowbro. He can be REALLY usefull If u know how to play him right. You can easily take out the enemy gengar by just simply ccing him with telekinesis, while your teammates demolish him. Other than that, I agree with a lot of your recommended Tips.
Gonna be honest, we should draw a line between league and unite. We shouldn’t be bringing over league mindsets to such a simple game. A lot of terrible game ruining things come with metas and ranked obsessed players
I’ve been playing moba games so I knew the basics also I hate when people just go afk and it sucks because they would cost us the game make us lose
Another tip. Move the camera to check zapdos when it spawns if you arent in battle. It realy helps
YOOOOOOOOOOOOhigh five dude. One cramorant main to anothe
i loved league but hated it at the same time bc it was suuper toxic. this game is just as fun, but no chat feature so nobody can be a prick to you lol
12:00 It's not elitist or "toxic" to ask people to stay away from ranked until they get experience. They are subjecting others to a shit experience and there isn't a report for unskilled option in game.
8:46 Hard to use the pad quickly when its so fucking unresponsive
So "inting" is basically just feeding. Are you moba people intentionally coming up with more terms to confuse normies like me?
Wow at 3:54 slobro has 45 points which in the last min counts as 90. Had he just decided to score the enemy team would have won. Great example that sometimes you just ignore the “big prize”
Basically you are saying that unless you're really good with Slowpoke, we should'nt play it. But if you want to get good with any character, you need to play it… So yeah.Also, don't call people stupid every 2 minutes. Not a good look when discovering your Channel. Everybody doesn't play for the same reason, yes it can be frustrating but that's how every game is.
I just started to play ranked for this game and I made it to great, but I have not ever seen a person who knows what they are doing. No one has any game sense, the junglers are garbage and no one ever decides whether to stay in lane or not.
This is my third MOBA game and man this helped so much.
"If you play Slowbro, you are trolling!"Well yes, that's the point. It's even better when you get a win streak with Slowbro in rank.
This man is really out here trying to gate keep ranked play like it’s something special. Smh.
I got to expert 4 using solo que was an absolute nightmare some people have zero map awareness what so ever
Thanks man was using slowpoke but now realize that snorlax is way better
As im watching ur video im playing a conpetitive mat as a bulbasaur im like welp thats already off to a bad start we won the match tho so that was good
My issue is being stuck in great tier because I keep getting horrible partners. I had a 3 game stretch of losses this morning. First one because 3 of my team mates all went to jungle leaving only one person on top and bottom each (and they didn't do a good job of bouncing back and forth to jungle well). Next one we dominated and were leading by like 300 points then Zapdos comes up, all 4 of my teammates go top and are dunking 5-10 balls at a time trying to break one of their spots while I get 5 v 1'd at Zapdos. Third one we have a bunch of speed people and so I take Snorlax to give us some D. 2 of them go bot. the other 2 follow me up to top. I keep waiting for one of them to break off and go jungle and they never do so then I have to go try to jungle as Snorlax and it didn't work out well. Almost won that one but fell just short. Had a faster character with more attack jungled so I could go defend the lane, I think we win that with ease.
I dont get why people try to START Zapdos when they're winning. A basic rule of thumb for me is: Winning = Dont start Zapdos
Top mistake: You call jungle, teammate doesnt call any lane, teammate joins you in jungle after you call jungle, thanks now we've cleared jungle together Zera and i'm behind getting level 7 to carry as Gengar.
This is my first MOBA game, and I honestly dont know if im somewhat decent or trash. Some games im destroying everything in my path and scoring a lot, and the other game im getting destroyed and cant win a single fight. I feel like i kind of know what im supposed to do, but positioning and stuff im clueless