Summer Swimsuit Collection | Brooklyn and Bailey

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Полное описание видеоролика: It’s the last week of school, so Summer is right at our fingertips… and we couldn’t be more EXCITED! We’ve already started swimming in the pool and decided to …

Количество показов на сегодня: 2887014

Дата публикации: 2016-05-25 21:00:56

Полная продолжительность видеоролика: 4:12

Brooklyn and Bailey

Количество лайков: 77778

Количество дизлайков: 942


  1. Isabella S.

    I have the first 2 swimsuits that brooklyn has and I got both super cheap from amazon! and they are great!

  2. Trinity Henderson

    does anyone know if baileys 2nd swimsuit is see through in the water? I want to get it but i don't want it to be see through

  3. Anna Rader

    I thought those were pretty cool and cute They have good taste of color and you guys pick out the best outfit ever for summertime?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  4. Jennifer Hirtzel

    My friend has that 2nd swimsuit with the trees! It is sooooooooo cute in person!


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