Посмотрите прямо сейчас онлайн: Shopping for Huge Sales!! Shortest Haircut Since 2012 OMG | Q2HAN
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Число показов на это время: 57604
Дата постинга: 2018-01-17 14:59:00
Полная продолжительность видеоролика: 14:46
Количество лайков: 3512
Количество дизлайков: 20
Qwon’s keep calling me the bleached hair version of Willy Wonka LMAO ???????? 22 days left till we go see qtees at Jakarta, Indonesia ????????????????✨
The choices you guys made are great !! Love you guys !!
Hi, can I ask for your expert advice? If I am planning to buy summer outfits from Seoul, which is the best time (week & month) to buy it? Will it be end Spring (last week of May?) or beginning of autumn (eg beginning Sept)? Also, I wear size 12/14 US Size- will it be hard to get cheap & nice clothes at places like Goto/Ehwa etc?
Which is the song at the ending? (14:30)
Gose ii luvvvvvv your hairrrr????????????
i love you guyssss so so muchhhh. 늘 건강해요 언니들!! 화이팅
12:14 "tea-shit" ????????????
Qwon’s blouse with the red stripes is so gorgeous !!!
I never realised how much Qwon suits the colour purple????
Qjin I would looove a really dark purple on you ????
I just bought the same pepsi jacket today because i love crop t jacket/hoodie and also bc of this video ????????
Qjin please try blue-grey
Lavender! !
A deep or dark blue would look so good and contrast ginger hair nicely
Is it okay that I got excited that they're drinking some Lithuanian water, proud
Jakarta is in rain season until april don't forget your umbrella!! ❤❤
you should try dyeing your hair purple! you'll rock the color for sure ????ps. cant wait to see both of you in jakarta ^^ ♡
Love the shorter platinum bob ????????????????❤️
I think Qjin's hair would look nice with Lavender Purple <3
Gracias a la hermosa persona que traduce esto. ????
????go dark red
Those biscuits you like are wildly popular in my country.
Son muy yo xd Saludos desde argentina.Aún que no me entiendan :v
hmm…. Dark blue, black or greyI wonder what does Qjin looks like with bangs ????
i bought the same earrings as qwon and they fell of too im so sad
Have been without internet for so long and I MISS YOU GUYS!!!!!! ????????????????????
At the moment i love yellow hair what do you think
Note that jakarta is super hot 🙂
You guys are always so funny and cheery ♥️ Wish I could visit Korea just for the clothing and skincare lol (okay not actually, the nature and all the sights look interesting too) Love from the cold Finland ????