Pull-Thru Ponytail | Cute Girls Hairstyles

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Подробное описание видеоролика: For this week’s hairstyle tutorial, Brooklyn and I will be teaching you how to create the Pull-Thru Ponytail! Be sure to enter our GIVEAWAY for a MacBook Air + 2 …

Число просмотров на сегодня: 2006668

Дата постинга: 2016-04-18 00:29:27

Полная продолжительность видеоролика: 5:53

Cute Girls Hairstyles

Количество лайков: 30074

Количество дизлайков: 514


  1. TheAbseyCat

    Im not gonna lie from the front it looks like one of my normal ponytails with all the lumps…

  2. Dophie Dancer

    When I tried this my hair got caught in the bands how do i stop this plz help???

  3. Sohil Maredia

    this is the best hairstyle for my birthday OM Mindy your the best and Brooklyn your hair is so pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Marley Layne Scallan

    This is the only hairstyle on this channel that when i do it it looks (kinda) good

  5. Madelyn Janssen

    Love you guys!!!!! You are the only channel that actually helps me learn anything

  6. Katherine Matthews-Carlisle

    You have been replying to my sisters Anna's comments but not mine

  7. Asifa Banu

    hi nice video ,I love to watch u both mom and daughter…..video…..I have my daughter 20 months she is beautiful like ur daughter?

  8. Usha Thomas

    I just love it all the hair stylesi t is so cool I wish I was there can you please make a Moana hair style.

  9. Georgina McQueen

    This is sometimes what happens…Your friend: oh it doesn't matter if u don't get the earphones Me: it does come on we're talking about Brooklyn & Bailey I need those earphones


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