NEW HAIR Who Dis??! ♡ Hair Color CHANGE and Haircare Products ♡

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Полное описание видеоролика: If you are new to my channel a BIG VIRTUAL HUG to you and WELCOME. Thanks for watching! DON’T FORGET TO LIKE, FAVORITE AND SHARE! Thanks for …

Число показов на это время: 3139

Время публикации: 2018-12-04 16:46:37

Полная продолжительность видеоролика: 29:2

The Fancy Face

Количество лайков: 298

Количество дизлайков: 6


  1. Glam Getter

    im so happy you mentioned the fact that you have strong hair and a different hair texture. If I were to follow your routine, I would be bald. I went 4 years without straightening my hair and then I did it and my hair broke off a week later, I wasn't even using high heat. Now that I'm fully natural, it might be a different story but Im on a journey to figure out my natural hair first before messing with it. Thanks for the video, love your hair!

  2. Sulaika Martina

    Tina you can find the Caudalie oil at they have free worlwide shipping on orders over £40,- the 50ml is £18,- and the 100ml is £28. Its because of you I use this oil also. It is devine ????

  3. Yvette James

    Tina, Dahlin! Glad you're back. You look magnificent! I miss your channel, but I hang on..LOL! God Bless!

  4. Nicki Kristy

    I just watched your 2018 hair update video and I had no idea that you're half black and half indian! So am I, so I get excited when I find other people who are the same mix.

  5. juju55488

    I have a question…when showering how do you keep your straight hair dry since when wet it goes to its natural state? I use a scarf and a shower cap and my hair still gets wet. Any suggestions?

  6. kalisha jones

    I think you did a fantastic job!! I do my color myself as well, I watched a bunch of these colorists on YouTube and went for it and I love pravana. Your instyler is hilarious. Great video!! ????

  7. Maskara Cakes

    I just dyed my hair like a violet red. Er, my hairstylist did. Lol i looooooove it.

  8. Monica T

    Maybe you can film your wash day routine and then film your routine when you style your hair, but only if you feel like you would enjoy that type of video, I know you love makeup and we want you to focus on what YOU love, but thanks for doing this video!

  9. angelica

    Yas Tina! Love love love you for the hair video! I'd like to see how you color it and trim it. So pretty! ????Also I get my Caudalie Divine Oil from their website about $32.00.


    Love and really Love the color. I wish I could go to bed without tying my hair down /i would look like a shriveled up pineapple, LOLOL!! Thanks for sharing the hair products.

  11. Nikkidarkangel Yvonne Alabaster

    Your hair is so beautiful and I love the colour. I'm not brave enough to colour my hair ❤️????????

  12. Nik P

    I love it Tina ????????????????I thought it was professionally done…honey u did that!!! ❤️

  13. Danee Kaplan

    OMG I am a SLAVE to the fashion colors I have to get mine professionally dyed every 4 weeks or it is a mess. Well the grey is a big part of the problem. but the fading is a huge issue.

  14. Sarah Hirji

    OMG your hair color is EXACTLY what I wanted…but last time I had my hair bleached for highlights my hair was ruined for so long after so im so scared to do that again!! my hair is usually really good, its kinda like yours…im a mix of African and Indian, its really thick strands but recently starting thinning out (like losing a lot) because of my thyroid issues which SUCKSSS so in the summer I basically chopped all my hair off to let it grow back nicely….I want it to grow long again so badly,so im hesitant to do ANYTHING anymore…but I was like taking notes on how you coloured it haha….also I kindaaa wanna try the instyler!!would you ever wear your hair naturally curl/wavy like it was? it looked really stunning! im trying to wear my hair natural lately to decrease the amount of heat and stuff — would love to see if you put products or anything in it when wearing it that way. Im jealous you can go once a week without washing though, but hair gets SO oily after like 2 days…so most I can do is 3rd day

  15. Violette Jeanne

    You’re cool dying your hair after that experience you described! I think you understand color, complimentary colors, contrast colors and dimension so well. Probably the best on Youtube especially in your tutorials. ????

  16. Carol Love

    Sweetheart you did a wonderful job! and saved yourself some coins! I don't know why looking at you in this video i'm seeing a prettier version of Kim P.! P Diddy's ex that passed recently.


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