My 3 favorite girly hairstyles (tutorial) + i went back to blonde hair

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Подробное описание видеоролика: hi im gabi demartino! this video is not sponsored! i genuinely use all the products i mention + have been for years. if you want to buy the things i used: Duvolle …

Число показов на это время: 203062

Время постинга: 2017-10-14 22:06:56

Полная продолжительность видеоролика: 10:4

Fancy Vlogs By Gab

Количество лайков: 12772

Количество дизлайков: 276


  1. Zoey Kane

    How do you get your hair to look so healthy and shiny even after it's been dyed? Mine is dyed like yours and super long but I don't know if I use the right products to make it shiny and pretty like yours!

  2. Arianna Rainey

    I found Nikiandgabibeauty before you guys became so successful. v proud of you gab

  3. Ashley Christina

    Honestly tho, I love your blonde hair. I have blonde too (naturally) but I love the way it looks on you. Idk why but it seems like it makes you happier. Either way I love you gabs???? and you're gorgeous????

  4. Amber Daniel

    I was really liking the dark hair but I'm glad the blonde suits you… have you ever considered a cut? I think you would look great with it at your collar bone ❤️

  5. Alexa Moghina

    I just did the third hairstyle and I love it! I'm so bad at doing hair and I absolutely love this look it's so cute!

  6. Brie Jasmine

    Hey Gabi watch how you introduce coupon codes into your videos. I've noticed this a few times and how you said it came across a little offensive. It felt like you were saying there's no way we could afford to buy these products without a discount. Especially because you ended with "you're welcome". We all work hard for the money that we have. And speaking for myself, if I didn't have the money to purchase a flat iron at full price, I wouldn't feel comfortable about buying it at a discount. Lastly I'd like to remind you that us getting a discount helps us out once…..but you're the one that benefits from it in the long run.

  7. Noah Brown

    it's just hair, gabi is still gabi. it has nothing to do with her behavior or how genuine she is. it's not that fuckin deep

  8. Nickyyy

    i've always love you with blonde hair but the roots girl, they're too dark so it looks weird to me but idk you look amazing though!

  9. Jaziel O

    I know going brown was supposed to be a change for you and also healthier for your hair but I LOVE YOU BLONDEEEE!!! lol I was secretly hoping youd dye it back haha

  10. Sofía Piqueras Diaz

    I think she looks a lot better with dark hair! But she looks gorgeous anyway????

  11. Stephanie Clenahan

    I love that when I have anxiety I can watch your videos and it makes me feel happy


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