Mum’s Obsession Of Daughter Looking ‘Presentable’ — Real Stories

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Полное описание видео: Watch the full documentary here: Taken from the 2008 documentary ‘Pre-Teen Beauty Queen’, we witness how Jane Bennington …

Количество просмотров на это время: 19332092

Время публикации: 2015-06-23 16:00:02

Полная продолжительность видео: 3:2

Real Stories

Количество лайков: 77303

Количество дизлайков: 24186


  1. Real Stories

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  2. Chelle Belle

    This woman is dangerous and deluded and is going to give her child a serious complex!

  3. Kathy Hosking

    Someone should tell the mother she forgot the back of her shirt if she's so worried about looking perfect!

  4. NikkaPika FoFika

    This is disgusting and abusive behaviour. I feel horrible for that poor girl.

  5. Habibah Bibi

    Why is she forcing her to do stuff she doesn't want to? Seriously, I get ppl asking me if I'm forced by my family to cover up. Like wtf I chose to dress like this and I love wearing scarf but just because I'm not showing myself or impressing u doesn't mean I'm forced

  6. crissy4445

    ‘With Sasha dressed like white trash she is forced to embarrass herself in a restaurant’

  7. Iskra D.

    I'm glad that this girl doesn't depend on her mother now.Why do this bad parents exist?


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