Mom Cuts My Hair for Wedding (In Chinese With Eng Sub)

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Подробное описание видеоролика: Bg music: Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: …

Количество просмотров на это время: 259962

Дата публикации: 2017-10-02 02:43:31

Полная продолжительность видеоролика: 2:50

Yumi King玉米姐姐

Количество лайков: 4844

Количество дизлайков: 414


  1. Sarah Batool

    I really like your vids, but i just wanted to say that it feels like your mom wants to chance you. Like be happy the way you are, you Said that you mom wanted you to do surgurys and She Said in this vid that your nose looked smaller with that hair cut like whyyyyyy????? I think she’s making you wanna do surgery’s wich you don’t need

  2. Wesoła Fasola

    This music is in every video on youtube that I've watched…WHY????? Is it for free or what? I hate itttttt

  3. moni4eva1

    She cut way to far into your hair line which caused your bangs to look wider and she was over directing when cutting the length of your hair causing her to go back and cut even more. ( the hairdresser in me was cringing thru this whole video ) ????????????

  4. Wamie Co

    im so confuse why yumi treated of his family like 12 year old girl maybe she is only child that why she is center of attention…but then yumi is nice girl!

  5. Norda Vind

    the kitchen scissors freak me out!!1 STAHHHP using kitchen scissors on your hair!!!

  6. None None

    why create such a big looking head on a small body?? go get a professional hair cut something that suits your face shape and doesnt make your head look so huge.


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