Lace Braid Homecoming Updo | Missy Sue

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Полное описание видеоролика: Going to homecoming?! School has started and that means dances! With Homecoming right around the corner I’d thought it’d be great to share a fun formal …

Число показов на сегодня: 1511628

Дата постинга: 2016-09-23 20:01:48

Полная продолжительность видеоролика: 4:20

Missy Sue

Количество лайков: 37253

Количество дизлайков: 397


  1. Jennette Kontos

    I'm going to a wedding and I know a bridesmaid and I'm totally using this it's amazing and I won't have to use a curling iron!

  2. silvershetty

    That is a very nice hairstyle?❤ I think I will taste for the fina ceremony this year??

  3. Doreen F

    on the 30. Juni I have my prom and i try this updo. it is very easysorry for my bad english, im germany

  4. Robyn Dalton fashion and lifestyle

    you are so good at doing your hair and I wish you could do my hair because you are so good at it and l like to get to know you and I love watching these kind of videos and I can't wait to see more of them and keep up the wonderful work on your videos

  5. Sofia anttila

    Sooo beautiful! Totally in love with this hairstyle, gonna try to do a similar version to my prom on wednesday <3

  6. Tiffany Fredricks

    love it.. I am using this today on a client for Prom. a slight variation since she only wants 1 braid and the bun more on the side but this was helpful especially since my clients hair is quite as long and I can see it will work just fine

  7. Megan Rierson

    I LOVE this!!! I am wearing this as a bridesmaid in my uncle's wedding!!!!! So excited!

  8. Haylee Davis

    I'm not sure what possessed me to try this, but I think I've finally found a hairstyle that looks good on me lol.

  9. Gin A

    Yes!!! big thumbs up! I found the picture of your hairdo on pinterest and even printed it to bring to the hair salon so they could do it for my daughter and was o disappointed when they failed terribly. then last night I came to youtube and found your tutorial…amazing!! thank you so much, so simple and beautiful!!

  10. Karylis Santana

    My prom is in a few days and i thought this was a perfect hairstyle it is so beautiful!!

  11. Hannah Shipman

    Just did this on my daughter's hair for a father/daughter ball! So beautiful and such great explanation! Thank you ?

  12. Marinescu Monica

    hi i did this today for a friend of mine who was going to a weding , and she was delighted with the result . thx 4 the idee. cheers


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