How to Create a FLUFFY HEART Braid | 2019 Valentine’s Day Hairstyles

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Полное описание видеоролика: You are going to LOVE this new heart hairstyle that’s PERFECT for #ValentinesDay! What I love about this look is that it appears super intricate and fancy… but …

Число показов на это время: 47851

Дата постинга: 2019-01-21 20:05:18

Полная продолжительность видеоролика: 6:12

Cute Girls Hairstyles

Количество лайков: 2003

Количество дизлайков: 30


  1. Cute Girls Hairstyles

    Don’t forget to check out Brooklyn & Bailey’s MERCH on their website HERE➡ ????'s -Mindy

  2. rajna kamberi

    Can you show some hair styles for girls with curly hair since this kind of hairstyles are not really easy to make when you have really curly hair. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  3. sinyora swami

    love u soooo much and I follow u i ur instagrampleaseeeee sell ur products in india also

  4. Nicole Lai

    Can u please do some more hairstyles on the older girls and more mature hairstyles

  5. Ayesha Jabeen

    Who thinks it's easy to make that hairstyle but it seems like it can never happen ????????????????????

  6. Margaret Lisac

    Mindy and CGH family,I don’t know if u have seen any of the posts on your vids about my mom, but if u haven’t, please do! Anyway, my mom’s hair is about to fall out, and she’ll be bald in a few weeks! She is still on chemo, but it’s so much better than the chemo she used to have. She isn’t in bed for a week, and she is only tired for 1 day! Please continue praying for her!If u haven’t read my story about my mom, please read them, I posted a comment on your vid: Paisley the Ninja, and Rylan’s Room Tour! Please read them, if u haven’t, and keep my mom and family in your prayers!This is my mom’s 3rd time having cancer! Thanks!Margaret Lisac and the Lisac family!

  7. Raeun Won

    I REALLY want to pre-order your book Mindy! I’m not a parent myself but I would suggest it to my mom or to my future self!

  8. Tracy Z

    Please don't talk about her hair being so thin in front of her. My family did that to me my whole life and now I'm very self-conscious about my hair being thin. Her hair is not that thin.

  9. nebula

    Early again! I love the style and I cannot wait to try it myself! Tysm for this video, it really helps!


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