Посмотрите прямо сейчас в режиме онлайн: GET READY (& chat) WITH ME! *ST. JUDE CHARITY EVENT*

Подробное описание видеоролика: THIS IS NOT A VIDEO SHOWING HOW TO DO HAIR AND MAKEUP, just me attempting to look all fancy for a special night! Here’s a link to learn a little more …

Количество просмотров на это время: 452

Дата публикации: 2018-05-03 18:00:42

Полная продолжительность видеоролика: 17:40

Jessica Ashley

Количество лайков: 48

Количество дизлайков: 1


  1. Marianne Dressler

    OMG you are so stinking funny getting ready. Your hair and make up turned out great. I have been following your videos long enough to know that this is out of your comfort zone. You are just a cool casual girl. But you clean up darn good. You both look fabulous. What a great cause. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Life a Little Random

    I can’t do my hair either, I have like 4 styles, pony tail, messy bun, side braid or down ???? I wish I could curl it. ???? maybe something to try since I lost my job ????.

  3. Mrsemptynester

    This is honestly the best hair and makeup video I have EVER watched!! You did great!!!It was fun watching you get ready. OMG you and Jared both look so nice. What a nice dinner and night out AND for a great cause. The dress looked so beautiful on you!!!! My daughter also picks at her face, Your skin still looks beautiful!!!!

  4. TheBrittbrat2341

    I have ZERO makeup in my house! Maybe when my mom comes to visit we can go makeup shopping!

  5. TheBrittbrat2341

    I have curly hair ???? I never fix my hair it's usually just in a pony tail!

  6. T. McC.

    R+F lash boost works AMAZING!!! I’ve tried them ALL. And I can say with 10000% certainty that R+F is the BEST!!! You both looked great!!!


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