Fancy Peppers, Luffa & Celery. Sow & Tell | Enplotment

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Подробное описание видеоролика: Pottering with Peppers. Well not just peppers. Things are progressing nicely. Slowly but nicely. The chinchillas were having a run in the background — no …

Число просмотров на сегодня: 66

Время публикации: 2021-02-19 20:00:56

Полная продолжительность видеоролика: 16:47

Cara’s Titbits

Количество лайков: 8

Количество дизлайков: 0


  1. Bill & Val's Allotment's

    Hi cara good luck with the Luffa that be fun to see and to see you prepare it for use , funny enough had just watched Charles Dowding video and he prepare one ????

  2. David's Allotment Garden

    Good Peppers, Luffa and Celery seed sowing video Cara.

  3. The House of S

    I’m trying luffa this year too. Lol I hear it’s a huge plant so we shall see

  4. Allotmental

    I'm only sowing mini bell peppers this year, all from saved seed ????

  5. West London Gardener

    Lovely sowing session ???? The sweet diamond variety sounds nice. For a minute i though Hershey went missing ???? so glad your aubergines came up…look forward to seeing them my black beauty ones finally came up (49p ones from range) so i have alot now ???????????? thats a shame the chaos planting never came up….hope they will start to appear soon!!

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