David Beckham Hairstyle 2018 | Royal Wedding | Men’s Hair Inspiration

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Исчерпывающее описание видео: In this episode we’ll show you how to get the famous David Beckham Royal Wedding Hairstyle 2018. What do you think about it? VVV COMPETITION VVV …

Число просмотров на сегодня: 51859

Время постинга: 2018-06-15 15:02:33

Полная продолжительность видео: 4:26

Slikhaar TV — Men’s hair

Количество лайков: 1664

Количество дизлайков: 45


  1. Slikhaar TV - Men's hair

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  2. Ash

    liked the before and after haircuts. Very dapper dresser too. Almost a doppelgänger for Beckham.

  3. kntwing

    maybe skin off the side & back hair?just hair on top?looks better for the summer time?

  4. Amirul Ikram

    Slikhaartv do a very good job to present a new inspired hairstyle. Keep up the good work

  5. Mitch 81

    People saying he looks like Beckham?! He looks more like James Jordan. Also, this is too long for the beckham cut

  6. Crossed Bones

    Both hairstyles look great but the initial one looks more natural because it fits his hair way better

  7. Jose Emmanuel

    hello Rasmus, Emil I see them for more than 5 years and I admire them, I admire their work and career they have had and I have always wanted to go to a slikhaar studio but unfortunately I live in Mexico so I wish I could win your product kit for finally try them, without more than saying, I send you greetings from Mexico, success

  8. SCD Observer

    The after makes him more mature and business like. But the before style softens his angular jaws, and thus makes him more friendly, relaxed and approachable. Both good hairstyles, but I prefer the before look a little more.

  9. Barber Mike

    0:40 Very much shorter. 0:26 Have always admired David Beckham's hair, hairstyles, haircuts.

  10. copa593

    He looks great now, it was a bit better before.. But come on, if you look like that you can rock almost any hairstyle 😛 no homo, but i still have eyes and can see the dude is waaaay above average

  11. Joe Crowe

    He's got great hair! I like the new doo a lot! Before and after is fantastic! Stylist did an amazing job!

  12. Krishnendu Nayak

    This summer cut is really very convenient, cool and elegant as well. I am from India and have buying your products for last 2 years. I just love Silver fox. I can't live without it.


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