Смотрите прямо сейчас онлайн: Best barbers in the world 2017/haircut designs and hairstyles
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Количество просмотров на это время: 5728545
Дата публикации: 2017-04-18 19:10:20
Полная продолжительность видео: 7:57
Barberos Conectados HD
Количество лайков: 27744
Количество дизлайков: 2580
What Amazing barber
1:58, I have that hair cut, it's very cool, but I don't have a beard because I shaved. Plus I found this video very satisfying.
Oh my god #goodlike
best hear kating
Ok Bay
Acho seu trabalho muito bom.
Meu amigo como eu faço para fazer um curso de barbeiro com você e quanto custa é qual o material que eu tenho que comprar você tem alguma unidade de curso no Rio de Janeiro?
fantastic barber's too precision, I want to get a haircut by these master's but I am bald to the core. amazing time to be in. the world is changing so fast. great music food etc etc etc…
a good cut ????????????
انا عند صالون حلاقة بالبنان ومحتاج رقم الفنان حسن المهندس والفنان محمد نفق
سؤال شباب بالبنان من وين بقدر جيب باروكة شعر طبيعي
Superrr ???????????? gracias
Please does anyone knows where I can have this kind of service in/around list Angeles Thanks
I love the feeling of the razor blade it’s very satisfying
How much.??