Best barber in the world 2017/haircut designs and hairstyles

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Количество показов на это время: 2531002

Время постинга: 2017-03-28 12:34:31

Полная продолжительность видеоролика: 8:29

Barberos Conectados HD

Количество лайков: 14174

Количество дизлайков: 1201


  1. black guy

    Why cant we find barbers like this…my barber cant give me the same hair cut twice in a row..dumb azs nigga fucks uo every other time

  2. Sebastian Carrillo

  3. Gamer Dad

    I wonder how much there cuts cost. I do my sons hair all the time and starting to get pretty good at it. Maybe I should start making some money lol


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