6 Months Mens Hair Growth Challenge | Join Me! | BluMaan 2018

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Полное описание видеоролика: BluMaan Hair Products | https://blumaan.com — Let’s do this! 6 Months Mens hair Growth challenge, join me! — Best Hair Products for Short Hair: …

Количество показов на сегодня: 68898

Дата постинга: 2018-09-17 17:00:01

Полная продолжительность видеоролика: 4:31


Количество лайков: 3534

Количество дизлайков: 30


  1. King Conn

    I'm down, I'm definetrly join. But I'm 6 months ahead of you brother. Not literally, like 3. But I'm still in

  2. Josh Wong

    I was actually planning to do this before see this video! Perfect timing ofc I'm in !

  3. Kiss Of Death

    How are you gonna cut your sides throughout this process? Are you going to go straight off with an undercut and your current hair length or re-blend it until it gets long enough?

  4. xDriZZleZx

    I'm so down! Once our hair gets longer, can you show us some styling tips and tutorials??? Thanks :)))

  5. Hector Cruz

    Ive been doing this challenge now for 10 months. First one to cut it loses bet. We still holding strong ????????

  6. Emil Blomberg

    Challange accepted! I buzzed all my hair off the day before yesterday (september 21) with the goal to grow my hair out (at least the top, i was thinking about allowing myself to cut the sides and neck for maintenance) for 1 whole year to see what my natural texture and color is. The problem is that I wasn't sure if I was gonna be able to complete that whole year, but now I'm definitely joining this challenge for 6 months.

  7. John Jordan

    Duuuuude I'm pretty much doing that but since I have a buzz cut right now it won't be spectacular or anything????????


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