Посмотрите прямо сейчас онлайн: 5 ELEGANT PROM HAIRSTYLES | Milabu

Исчерпывающее описание видеоролика: Prom Hairstyles that are elegant! Today’s video is all about elegant hairstyles that are perfect for Prom, homecoming, weddings, date nights, fancy events, etc.

Число просмотров на сегодня: 252990

Дата публикации: 2017-04-09 14:00:07

Полная продолжительность видеоролика: 13:26


Количество лайков: 7267

Количество дизлайков: 99


  1. babyjaney1

    How did you get so clever at creating hair styles? Are you trained or do ideas just pop into your head? I just keep repeat watching your videos as you're such an inspiration to me XXXXX

  2. Ashley Carty

    I'm in love with all of these ❤️ what I think I love the most about your channel is these hairstyles are for short hair. And a lot of people think that when you have short hair you can't really do anything with it because of the fact that it's short. They think you have to have long hair to style it. But you can do a lot of things with short hair too and you really show that and I think it could inspire people to go shorter and really explore that new style. I love it

  3. Nicole Marie

    In one of your videos you did a triple faux bun. I use sleep in rollers to curl my hair and recreated that look and its totally awesome! Favorite hairstyle!I usually prefer my hair longer and January I went to get a trim but the lady messed up so…I ended up with a haircut. From bra-strength length to shoulders. I was horrified! Then I found you on here and started watching your videos and now I'm having some fun with it till it grows back. Even more amazing is that my hair is the same texture as yours. Like, I just love you.

  4. keily quetzali gonzalez gonzalez

    cielos!!! esto es grandioso!! me encanto!! me salvaste, ya no sabia que hacer con mi cabello, crei que no tenia muchas opciones! ♥cielos! muchas gracias ♥

  5. Robyn Williams

    I'm attending a wedding next week and I've been going crazy trying to figure out how to do my hair. Your channel saved me. I'm so happy I found you!

  6. Nessa Fisher

    I have short hair and frustrated that when i curl my hair an hour later they are almost flat. I tried spraying with texturizing spray and hair spray and still nothing. Any tips?

  7. Luty HG

    Oooooh!!! Easy, elegant & Cute Cute Cute Cute!!! thanks is very nice! ♡???????? You are the Best! !! ????A Kiss from México ♡


    Milabu ???? ya te extrañaba, me da tanto gusto ponerme al tanto de tu material que siempre es increíble y muy útil para las que tenemos cabello corto, te adoro siempre serás la mejor!!!

  9. Hayden D'Haeseleer

    I'm not going to prom, but I am going to my graduation, I wanted to have a unique hairstyle and this video helped me so much, btw I love you so much

  10. sabs

    I have prom on Saturday and I'll be doing the last hairstyle ❤ I just cut 14 inches from my hair so these hairstyles are perfect for my current length!!! thank u!

  11. Нина. Разговоры с Ангелом

    it's just shows that simplicity is a key.Rock star of a dragon updo is my favorite

  12. Sara

    I love watching these. you should do some hairstyles that incorporate forehead headbands

  13. Michelle Luttmann

    I'm going to try the last one for a mommy and me photo shoot tonight. Thank you so much for all of your videos. You make having short hair exiting and full of possibilities! ❤

  14. the cazy things with shannon

    thanks so much i have prom next month so i now know what i want

  15. Skylr Shepherd

    My friend sent me a picture similar to the last style but it didn't show the full back, it only showed the side, so I had no idea what was on the other side and she has short hair so there isn't much to work with. I found this and now I'm able to do her prom hair in a much more innovative way!

  16. LivinLikeLauren

    Omg right before you mentioned The Great Gatsby, that's what I was thinking of!

  17. Kaitlyn Caldwell

    I went all crazy and did a pixie cut last year, it was AMAZING! I have since gotten bored and have started growing it out. I was sooooo afraid of "Bob" phase, because I had no idea how to style it. Your instructional videos have been awesome! Thanks for helping me Rock this BOB!


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