Посмотрите прямо сейчас онлайн: Zac Efron Hairstyles: From WORST to BEST | Mens Hairstyle Advice
Подробное описание видеоролика: BluMaan Hair Products | https://blumaan.com — Zac Efron Hairstyles, from worst to best! — We just moved to LA! Feel free to send me mail! Joe Andrews Box 102 …
Количество показов на это время: 52822
Дата публикации: 2019-01-30 18:00:03
Полная продолжительность видеоролика: 6:2
Количество лайков: 2026
Количество дизлайков: 24
lol messed up that first upload… enjoy again!
Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt next?
Please do Jason Mamoa from Aquaman next time
My favourite hairstyle is the Modern Slick Back and Modern Quiff from Malaysia #Maluapebosskur
Karen Bayle2546 9174 2671 438709/21716
You should do another hair styling tutorial
I have BluMaan original that i just use which doesn’t give me enough hold and I am questioning on getting the right product for your textured quiff hairstyle do I get cavalier clay or hybrid cream
also please make a video about how to blow dry hair
Do the next one on you joe!
do the history of hair styles on you.
Do a review on mythical pomade
please make a video on Machine Gun Kelly's hair please
could you make a video on toni mahfud and his hairstyles also how to achieve it?
I think JoeLittle beard looks good on youImean a clean shave is a *Nah na for me & l girls
Do Harry styles!!
i love your vids man they are well made ????????????
could you do Bradley Cooper or Andrew Garfield after?
How long does blumaan shipping usually take?
hey i know the pain of good hair but not having a bread i can feel your pain joe
Review scarecrow pomade!!!!!
Oh my ghod I fricken freaked out bc you said 'in the UK' a bit late so I'm like oH MY GHADDD