Посмотрите прямо сейчас в режиме онлайн: UFC 215 Free Fight: Demetrious Johnson vs Kyoji Horiguchi
Подробное описание видеоролика: Watch Demetrious Johnson defend his belt against Kyoji Horiguchi at UFC 186. Don’t miss Johnson take on Ray Borg at UFC 215. Subscribe to get all the latest …
Число просмотров на сегодня: 123835
Дата постинга: 2017-08-18 16:32:29
Полная продолжительность видеоролика: 35:16
UFC — Ultimate Fighting Championship
Количество лайков: 1518
Количество дизлайков: 342
All you dumbass who are hating on dj and the flyweight division, y'all stupid asf you were calling him the goat like last month, now he doesn't want to fight tj now he's a bum?? Tj is way bigger then him dj already learned his lesson going against Cruz, there is no doubt that tj has more of a chance of wining, all cause tj is bigger and longer
Dwarf fight
Fuck DJ!
Why DJ can't get the PPV money?
talk about a submission before the bell in fact just right before the bell
Let's see DJ vs. Jones
It sucks that Horiguchi isn't in the UFC anymore….
buena pelea perdon
buena pela
This was such a good fight. Why did they let Horaguchi go damn it.
first match ever I see of Johnson and what a talented fighter!! respect!
yawn hugging match
Piss poor excuse for a champion. What a joke
Best PFP fighter ever. I want him to go divisions up and face McGregor 😀
Stop ducking TJ just cuz you wanna beat the record you fuckin pussy. If you're a world class fighter and another world class fighter offers to challenge you, why the fuck would you say no unless you know for a fact you'd get beaten up, embarrassed and loose whatever you've earned till now, the 10-11 title defense or whatever it is. This is ???? pure ducking.
Damn that was an intense fight. I knew Mighty Mouse would win <3
Jon Jones is the best fighter!! Fuck this little worm
Kyoji Hairy-Coochie
UFC 215 is going to massively flop
Those shrek ears dow.
decision? fuck off
This card is dead
Conor Jack Mcgregor Junior already has his eye on Mighty Mouse's belt.
When guys are grappling and the crowd starts booing you can tell they're not actual MMA fans.
Idk why Fly weight is the least popular division, I love watching the smaller guys fight, such explosiveness, sure not as many knock outs but the fights are so technical and fast paced.
Coward Rat. If Borg wins this somehow, it's gonna be really awkward for DJ. ????
He's not the goat but at least he defends his belt against top contenders. *cough cough Mcgregor