Посмотрите прямо сейчас в режиме онлайн: Quiff hairstyle vs Slickback — Mens hair 2019 Revolution
Исчерпывающее описание видео: In this fine episode Emil and Rasmus are in a challenging each other in a fight to be the best hairstyle for 2019 using the brand new and limited by Vilain Wax …
Количество показов на это время: 59588
Время постинга: 2019-05-25 14:59:00
Полная продолжительность видео: 5:54
Slikhaar TV — Mens hair
Количество лайков: 1712
Количество дизлайков: 32
Jakas ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Qiff hairstyle with Rasmus! 🙂
Love both of hairstyle ???????? love from India
Rasmus' hair is perfection!
Slick back hairstyle with Emil
Hej Emil det er mig Carl????
Dimensions on Rasmus' haircut?
differnece between this and gold digger? since i had gold digger and its a hard wax?
I like Rasmus’s quiff hairstyle ????????????????
Slick-back hairstyle with Emil. Very professional
put legend in Portuguese, I really like the channel, but I understand little of English.
The quiff all the way
Hi can you please do a haircut style for for the you tuber Adam saleh how he styles his curls am so interested to know how he styles his hair I hair the same hair wavy curly hair please can you do a video on Adam saleh haircut what he looks like now
EMIL team ????❤️
Quiff hairstyle with Rasmus
I loved EMIL's hairstyle i loved that
I love the first one. Perfect
I like Emil's slick-back hairstyle ????Wish I had hair like that !! ????
Quiff hairstyle with Rasmus! ????????
Hawkeye's haircut in Endgame.
Quiff hairstyle with Ramus = ????
I like Rasmus‘s one more because it looks more sporty.But still Emil‘s one looks very classic gentleman like 😀
Weeell… it´s hard to decide which one is better ????, the slick-back is kinda more formal and classic look but the quiff hairstyle looks very dope and modern and also gives me this summer vibes ????, soo this time I will go for quiff hairstyle with Rasmus! ????????????
It's hard to choose. I always rocking Emils style but now want some changes and this wish push me to choose Rasmus style) but the y are both awersome!)
Since I use to see you with medium hair it's hard to vote for something else. I'd choose Emil's SLICK-BACK HairStyle because it seems a deadly combination between simplicity and stylish.
Slick-Back Hairstyle with Emil! ????????
Slick back hair style with Emil
u guys are so underrated.i've been watching ur videos since i was 13. i love ur tips on hairstyles.greetings from India.
Hmm i choose the quiff hairstyle with Rasmus.
Ae việt nam đâu#Tmg
Slickback ????
Really tough decision… I'd choose both of the hairstyles but since it's summer time and I'm getting my hair cut this week, I choose Quiff Hairstyle with Rasmus! Cheers from Portugal!
It's been 10 years?????? wow I've been watching u guys since i was 7
short is better
Rasmus has the best hairstyle
Es juego de camaras o son personas distintas aunque no lo parezcan?
I like ramus the quiff because over here in texas right now with the heat its best to have a short hairstyle and is very simple, easy and fast.
Slick with Emil
Rasmus hair style
i love your guys videos!! gold digger is my fav from y'all ❤️????
quiff hairstlye of Rasmus , easy maintable and cool summer look