I Wore High-Heeled Jeans For A Day

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Подробное описание видеоролика: Are these jeans or high heels? They’re both! Credits: https://www.buzzfeed.com/bfmp/videos/21305 Boldly BuzzFeedYellow has changed its name to Boldly.

Число просмотров на это время: 3202232

Время публикации: 2017-06-10 18:00:33

Полная продолжительность видеоролика: 4:10


Количество лайков: 42217

Количество дизлайков: 905


  1. marea wallace

    I would wear those and I’m only 1But only if my mum would let me and she probs wouldn’t

  2. Jay B

    I wish she would have styled these better it would have been a look honestly

  3. Sammie Dav

    you CAN take these shoes off without taking off your pants off ! just pull down the zipper and stick your foot out … shoes will drag on the ground but they are off for feet !!! After a little break you can put them (shoes) back on …

  4. XgalaxyfoxX

    if i a put some like black legging under them I WOULD WEAR THEM ON A DAILY BASIS

  5. Urgo H

    I love watching Sarah doing clothing review video. She always looks good when she wears the item during her report. I hope she keeps on making clothing review video's.

  6. Amanda Melgaco

    Can we talk about how she's not wearing socks with those boots?

  7. Lizzie Rod

    I love how the first guy almost spit it out the water lmao xdxd

  8. nikolas charlie

    ABOUT THE SIZING?? I wear a 7 in women's pants and shoe size 6 thffufhjksdhdhklgfbvdkfbfkv where can I buy me a pair of th e s e

  9. Brian Williams

    Those look fun to try. But why the butt windows? I agree, end the lacing at the thigh

  10. drink bleach

    This is Bobby????????????????He is 0 like and are how old we can get him

  11. Brennan Lopez

    Kyle wore something like that but it didn’t go all the way and it was balenciaga i think

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