Смотрите прямо сейчас онлайн: HAIR TRENDS 2018: hair colors, haircuts, hair styling | Justine Leconte
Полное описание видео: What are the new trends in haircut, hair color and hair styling for 2018? Do you know what tiger eye hair is? Is Taylor Swift’s hair cut still a hit? As last year, I …
Количество просмотров на это время: 442736
Дата постинга: 2017-08-06 10:00:03
Полная продолжительность видео: 7:5
Justine Leconte officiel
Количество лайков: 18873
Количество дизлайков: 217
What do we need to apply to get that wet hair look all day?
It is totally great to hear where the trends are coming from! Thank you!
Excuse me, my English is terrible — I can understand, but no speak. You live in Berlin and I hope, U can understand me.(Meine Muttersprache ist Polnisch). Seit über zwanzig Jahren trage ich einen Bob wie Anna Wintour. Ich fühle mich wohl mit dieser Frisur und mit meiner Haarfarbe — braunschwarz. Alle diese Fabelwesen und Kuriositäten, von denen du sprichst, sind mir völlig fremd und scheinen wirklich seltsam — und selbstverständlich nicht deswegen, dass ich in Osteuropa wohne, weil hier das Internet und alle Neuigkeiten immer noch erreichbar sind 😉 Ich kann alle diese Frisuren und nicht natürlichen Farben freilich bewundern, aber nie selbst verwenden. Könntest du vielleicht von klassischen französischen Frisuren erzählen, die nie out sind? Ich finde dich sehr klug und vernünftig. Byt the way: Du bist zwar noch sehr jung, aber vielleicht erinnerst du dich an Mirelle Mathieu?
Your comment on not having curly hair , im swedish so your hair is actually what our goals are re volume and curl ( did I mention We have extremely thin hair , a lot of it and who needs a straightening iron… We can make hairdressers weep , because they cannot get it to hold a perm without destroying the hair — actually- happened when I was studying in Germany and got a haircut and a perm)
Is dyeing your hair a thing in france or do women "only" wear their natural haircolour?
Yay!! I'm back in style this year lol curly hair mid length medium brown (with red highlights). I'm A warmer olive skin so nothing too harsh on my hair like blondes. Bonus- Less effort to fit the trends for me this year!! ????????
As a proud natural wavy hair woman I am so happy to learn that curly/wavy is back on trend. Maybe now all the curly girls who use chemicals to straighten their hair can go back and feel proud of their natural curls!! — I never managed to get the hype around long lasting chemically made straight hair.Curls are divine ladies, love them and they will shine.That is not to say straight hair is a bad thing, it's cool- if you were born with it.
I think the "wavy I just woke up like this"- hair has been the trend since basically the hippies
I'm still waiting for the day when flat, fine, prone-to-static hair is in. Then maybe I'll start an Instagram….I'm so behind on everything!
Could you consider women of color as well when making your videos? Example: curly hair, darker skin, shapely figure. I kind of feel left out, but I really like your advice, but your examples and pictures are usually thin European models despite the fact that you said you have an international following and have studied in the United States of America. The U.S. has plenty of different types of ethnicities and styles which would give you an idea of the type of audience you have internationally and what we look like. I love your advice and would be very appreciative of your consideration thank you.
Ma'am you are a wonderful lady. My role model for the way you speak is very nice.
am i the only one who thinks pink and blue hair looks terrible … sorry , but it reminds me of halloween wigs ????????
I can't believe pastel hair colours are still trendy… When the trend started I thought that it would stay a year! It's been five or six already maybe??.
Did square shape people/me can have sholder lenght hair… Did it suits me????? plz help
You said nothing about fringe. I think it's the coolest idea this yr even tho it's never really gone out of style
What haircut can you recommend for a short forehead with a square face and young woman (yes, I'm talking about me)?????
i used to have the short hair with the fade in the back but people can be a bit rude to women who cut their hair off
Thank you Justine for this brief on hair colour/cut and styles, thinking on my next choice for the summer!!:P But I would love that you tell us about where the trends come from, that would be very interesting too, as any of your videos 😉 xxx
Have you done a video on letting grey hair grow in? I like your advice on all topics so I would love to hear what you suggest. My skin is warm but my silver hair is very cool.
what foundation do you use?
Halfbun was the thing last year in the netherlands
I wanted to come back and check, couple things… I discovered Miss Jessie's Multi-Cultural hair cream and my curls are much easier to wear and to nod to what you said, the haircuts are shorter because of the fried ombre's
Justine, you would look so good in a long layered bob….and why not in the rose gold you love?? I don't get why you don't take the leap! Hair grows girl ! ????
I might try to see if my stylist can do tiger eye hair with cooler light brown tones; the thing about rose gold or unicorn hair is that it’s so much work to maintain with my dark brown natural hair color.
Great info as always!
Justine, I think you would love fantastic with a shoulder Bob!
On point ..
Why don't you change your hair colour? I'm talking drastic change
How about bangs/fringe?
Great video, very informative
Did she say bitch look or beach look?!
I did lighter blond and rose gold with short shoulder length.
I love to look completely different than what the trends are because I don't want to look like all those cookie-cutter girls.
this video shows me that sticking to trends is not important at all
Make video about shoe trends
A year of my hair. 😉 Lovely news! Thank you, Justine. :*
Hi Justine can you do a video with bags , boots and shoes for 2018 please.
This was a great help. I'm gonna be a hair model next week and it Will be cut at least over the shoulders (I haven't had hair that short since sixth grade and it looked terrible) I Think I'd be able to rock something like the first girl's hairstyle.
Love your earrings! Where are they from? ????
Please do a spring 2018 trends video for fashion!!
I had the haircut from that girl with the leather jacket 2 years ago. I guess I'm very ahead of trend.
Love it! I am beyond in need to lose the length of my hair. I have literally been wanting a perm to make curls easier.
Merçi, beaucoup! I’m excited to play with my natural waves!
ooohhh, love the earrings!!!
You are so adorable 'I…am out'. So cute!
And what about fringes?
I cut my hair like once a year=((