Смотрите прямо сейчас в режиме онлайн: GREAT Hair Products | 2 Mens Hairstyles with Texture | Lockhart’s Review
Подробное описание видеоролика: BluMaan Hair Products | https://blumaan.com — Checkout the new BluMaan Merch!: https://blumaan.com/pages/merch — Justin Bieber Hairstyles: From WORST to …
Число просмотров на это время: 34909
Время публикации: 2018-12-28 18:00:01
Полная продолжительность видеоролика: 8:33
Количество лайков: 1784
Количество дизлайков: 29
4:21 to 4:30 reminds me of my first reaction of cavalier, by blumaan. First two sniffs smell delightful, but the third reminds me of Plato. ????
Who even cares about hair like you r just doing this for money this channel is useless!!
Sad. My hair is not like that.
Product review clap**clapPewdiepie!
Are you doing top products 2018
I get to much Pewds feels…
joe can you please make ur products available in dubai
Blumaan can you do a video about proper tongue posture
is it me or his hair line is reciding? just wacthed his 3 years old video and there is some differencedue to applying too much and many product??
Joe please do paul mitchell hair clay and putty review!
Hit like if you want BluMaan to rank Danish zehen's hairstyle from worst to best #fambruh
I’ve been watching your videos for years and sorry if I missed it but I’d enjoy just watching you breakdown the whole process of you doing your hair on a normal day step by step so I could take notes????
can you make a video about hair powder ?
Yo, I'm like 5 foot 2. Does long hair look better on short guys or nah? Cos i don't think i look good with long hair but i don't think i look good with short hair either sooo idk how to get my next haircut ????????
Almost 50 dollars for a sweatshirt and 30 dollars for a t shirt pshh yea right
Where did you get that sick yellow leather jacket
Failed the 6 month hair growth challenge yesterday ;( its alright though cause I finally figured out my hair and what products work best for me
Miss these videos.
Do a review follow me men hair cream
Why is he acting like PewDiePie
You should do a review on Fix Your Lid fiber
Make a video on how to use a Vented brush please..(i hope i spelled it right)
I got enigma and I was kinda disappointed. As a pre and post styler, I would use less than half a pump and it was so sticky and it was so strong it was difficult to do my hair at all and later in the day my hair was super dry and impossible to run my hands through.
2019 school is this Wednesday for me… I got to have short haircut… I need some suggestion… I love volume though… Maybe like messy short volume?
The second one I would say is like putty that kids play with.
Waiting for the Review of by Vilain Products , Joe! Especially of Dynamite Clay. Would be very cool ????????????????
Can you do a review on thefaceshop's wax clay pls?