Coding but not really — Study with me! | Putri Amaristya

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Исчерпывающее описание видеоролика: Hi! I’m Putri and here I present you with a «Coding but not really» video where I try to study coding and kind of share it with you. Please put the video on the …

Количество просмотров на это время: 81

Время постинга: 2020-07-13 11:29:12

Полная продолжительность видеоролика: 11:48

Putri Amaristya

Количество лайков: 10

Количество дизлайков: 0


  1. Heajae Ryu

    As a python experienced person who didn’t used a while … you are doing great ???? I really had hard time struggling with MATLAB. Maybe it depends on which tool you are initially contacted with. I really love R nowadays …. not MATLAB nor Python… + Love yourself ????

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