Смотрите прямо сейчас онлайн: Blindfold Mens Hairstyle Challenge feat. Alex Costa | BluMaan 2018
Исчерпывающее описание видеоролика: BluMaan Hair Products | https://blumaan.com — ANNND We’ve got Alex attempting to style my hair blindfolded today! — Checkout Alex Costa’s vid: …
Количество показов на это время: 59996
Дата постинга: 2018-10-01 17:00:04
Полная продолжительность видеоролика: 8:54
Количество лайков: 2540
Количество дизлайков: 41
Sup guys! Alex's video is dropping tomorrow (TUESDAY) so be sure to tune in when it comes out!
Please make a video with Alex costa and Teachingmenfashion
I’ve been waiting for you two to make a video together for ever
that jacket looking snazzy Joe 😉
Joy did a good job but alex is better
Some aliens give dislike
Not shabby hmm
Hahaha no funny games
alex does the best????????
Hey Mr.Blu hit up 360yeezy maybe you guys can do something together. Don't know if you have already but think that would be cool. http://www.youtube.com/user/360Jeezy
It was kinda fun to watch ????
Please make a video on Stefan Salvatore (Paul Wesley ) hairstyel
Why has this hairstyle not changed since 2013?
Yo check out Meijer styling products
Can you review Pete and Pedro? lol
Joe u the man brah, but I’m missing the longer hair you had, gotta grow it back out!
What hairstyle you recommend for men with straight hair! Please help :/
Congratulations on 1.3 million subscribers
واو حلاقه فد شي????
nice video! can you review uppercut deluxe matt clay?
Joe,You and the guys at BluMaan are doing amazing. Keep up the great work!!!
Less like vid…???????????? Cheers