Посмотрите прямо сейчас онлайн: 10 Worst Hairstyles of ALL TIME!! | Men’s Hair | BluMaan 2018
Исчерпывающее описание видеоролика: BluMaan Hair Products | https://blumaan.com — Have you ever rocked these 10 terrible hairstyles? — Join the Facebook Community Discussion! https://www.facebook.com/groups/BluMaanCommunity/…
Число показов на сегодня: 84222
Дата публикации: 2018-04-23 17:00:01
Полная продолжительность видеоролика: 7:52
Количество лайков: 3699
Количество дизлайков: 112
That's Racist 5:05
What about the hairstyle that has so much weight in the front that it looks like you're about to fall forward?
My dad used to rock the mullet it was a good one tho ,his sides slicked back into the back and he had sick waves in the back.
Great backdrop you have in this video.
post melon????
Men bun funiest shit ever on a wrong guy hahahaha
#1 hairstyle. Yours. Honestly it's almost bigger than your head
Put your hair style up there
Joe got a bit rowdy with this one. I dig it.
Billy from stranger things pulls of the mullet really well
Puertoricans can pull off a rat tail. The island is full of them. Lol
guy talking about the worst hairstyleshaving a freaking brush on his head
Funny + Informative = Bluman ????????
the fun thing is that i actually like some of those hairstyles hahahah
5:55 Yall mind if i got a micropenis sticking out of my head
TriHard 7 cx
Lol yea i hate the Post Malone hair on white guys …But was a bit offended about the emo hair, sure it not for everyone but i looks absolutely incredible on some guys….with that in mind , the same can be said for all the hair styles..
What’s so bad about the man bun it became quite popular like a year ago
Not in favor of the mullet but the dude who really pulled it of is from Bollywood named Sunjay Dutt and I disagree with gel spikes at 2:41 and side swipe the latter being the most low maintenance and doesn't require any product
5:10 Lol trihard Cx
Well most of koreans can pull off mullet
Was your microphone between your pants and underwear? lol
kpop stars can pull of bowl cuts
good thing that he haven't anything about mohawk cause imma rock em soon
The emo fringe makes someone look like a man-child…that and (poser) skater clothes
Nice_Video !!I_will_subscribe_you _but_can_also_do-the-same_by_subscribing_my_channel Lovely video
This is so gay.. Just go bald
ur hair is so big now