Посмотрите прямо сейчас в режиме онлайн: Fringe Cut Hairstyle ★ Men’s hair trends 2017 ★ New Hair Fashion
Подробное описание видео: Men’s hair inspiration: In this tutorial we show you how to get the new popular FRINGE CUT — an upcoming new trend in men’s hair fashion 2017. ☆ Shop online!
Количество просмотров на сегодня: 262035
Дата публикации: 2016-12-16 18:00:01
Полная продолжительность видео: 3:46
Slikhaar TV
Количество лайков: 3756
Количество дизлайков: 589
ugly people dislike this haircut. ?
before he loking more smart then now ^-^
great. too bad this video is not at all informative.
lan bu bizim tas traşi degilmi
Spock, Jim Carey from dumb and dumber hair, moe from 3 stooges. This trend needs to die on the delivery table.
At the start of the video, He looks like Jesse Pinkman
This hairstyle is amazing
LOL He looks like he's trying to be Moe from the 3 Stooges so bad!
whats this song
Nigga went from Ryan Gosling to school shooter.
I got this hairstyle earlier this year and it's one of my favorites! I wear it with curly hair and the texture is twice as better. I usually have a hard time describing this cut to new barbers but the name and video will help, glad I came across this!
Am I the only one who thinks that BEFORE is better than AFTER?
Good for thicker unruly hair
he looks like the dude with the bowl cut from dumb and dumber
idk if the comments disliking this hairstyle are because of this hairstyle wont look any good on them (I will look like a retard myself), personally i think u look as good in that hairstyle
Hahah pls dont.
I wake up with a fringe…
this hairstyle sux .. big time!
This horrendous hairstyle is actually making a comeback
I liked it when Jim Carrey had this haircut and Dumb and Dumber
chill with the hate comments guys
uhm isn't that bowl cut lol and it fits more on asian guy xD
Bune amk dızo saçı yaptı Bu saç her an herşeyi yaparım saçı amk
thanks for the vid i really like it and i have the same hairstyle now!
I wanna try this hairstyle, i think it will be looks pretty cool on me….
Come on! It looks good when styled
Why does this cut get so much hate it's not even that bad like chill, I see comments like "fuck no" or "if this becomes popular I'm gonna kms"…….it's a haircut kid calm down
keko olmuş amq
The PERFECT Eurotrash haircut I've been looking for!
Am i the only one who likes this haircut on this dude?
Do not understand why people are hating on this, if it suits the person it looks really good
nigga you look like my aunt